Down With the World Government, Welcome Back Fleet Admiral Longinus!

Impel Down, the first floor of the sea.

The guards impassively stood as if they had lost their souls.

In this dead and dreary atmosphere, it was only after a long time that someone asked in a hoarse voice, "Are we really on the side of justice?"

The guard next to him sighed, "Who knows?"

Among the major institutions under the World Government, the most boring and tedious is Impel Down. Even staying in this dark and depressing environment all year round can easily cause insanity.

The best example is the two traitors, Shiryu and Ember.

Therefore, Impel Down invested in ideological education and psychological treatment on this piece is almost second only to the Marine Headquarters.

Because of this, they have usually been instilled with the concept of justice; after knowing the actions of the World Government, each of them fell into a situation of self-doubt.

"Fleet Admiral Longinus absolutely can't be evil!" A guard could not help but shout, "I clearly remember, two years ago, he was desperate to stop those pirates!"

"Of course it can't be an evil person!" Another guard said excitedly, "Just by the fact that Fleet Admiral Longinus stopped those villains, he is a hero, an uncompromising hero!"

"What you know is already the second time!" An old senior couldn't help but say, "22 years ago, when Fleet Admiral Longinus was just a captain, he used his body to block those pirates just like the last time!"

"Twenty-two years ago-" a guard exclaimed, "Fleet Admiral Longinus at that time would have been nowhere near as strong as he is now, right?"

"Even if Fleet Admiral Longinus was a genius, but how strong could he be at that time when he was only 14 years old?" The old veteran guard first shook his head and then said excitedly, "But his faith and courage will never change! When we arrived, Fleet Admiral Longinus was already standing in a pile of dead people! It was because I saw that shocking scene that I chose to stay in this prison for more than twenty years! I am not able to become a hero like Fleet Admiral Longinus, but I can also use my own way to protect justice!"

The guard next to him was shocked, "Old Rael, you're great like that too!"

"Great what ah? I can only send heroes to prison with my own hands is simply a coward!" He said, he suddenly grumpily took off his hat and threw it to the ground, "I quit, I'm going to ask the Chief Warden to release Fleet Admiral Longinus now!"

When he said this, the crowd who were mobilized by the emotions were all grouped and shouted after him, "We'll go with you too!"

Just at this moment, the alarm suddenly sounded.

After looking at the monitoring room's big screen, the Impel Down outside was unexpectedly surrounded by warships.

Seeing this scene, they were not only not afraid, but on the contrary, excitedly shouted, "It's the Marine! Are they also here to save Fleet Admiral Longinus?"

At this time, the outside world suddenly shouted, "We are here to welcome back Fleet Admiral Longinus, brothers of Impel Down, if you still hold on to justice, please don't stop us!"

"Shall we open the door?" A guard asked excitedly.

"When ..."

"Of course you want to open!"

Hearing this voice from the back, a group of guards turned to look in disbelief, "Head Jailer Domino, Vice Warden Hannyabal, you also ..."

"We do not believe in the World Government, but in justice!" Domino raised her arms high and shouted valiantly, "Since the World Government no longer represents justice, we should defeat it!"

Seeing that their officers had given up on the World Government, the guards were even more determined that they were doing the right thing and could not help but shout after them, "Down with the World Government and welcome back Fleet Admiral Longinus!"

Seeing that not a single person objected and that everyone had made their choice even before their arrival, Domino was even more determined that she was doing the right thing, "Sure enough, this is the choice of fate!"

"Open the gates and let the forces of justice converge and merge! Together, we will defeat the World Government and welcome back Fleet Admiral Longinus!"

In the Crimson Hell nearest to sea level, a pirates group was trembling and listening to the riot from above.

What did they hear? The marines and Impel Down are joining forces to defeat the World Government?

The world outside, it's just too crazy!


Under the sea six levels, Eternal Hell.

"This guy really deserves to be the Fleet Admiral, being locked up in the Impel Down is not lost half of the state, this kind of capacity and breadth of mind, ridiculing him instead of looking like we have no standards!"

"Indeed, this man's courage is not something we can estimate!"

"It's a pity that he is too stupid! Have absolute power and strong power, but he got put by World Government in prison without any resistance!

Many pirates talking in a "small" voice, looking at Longinus' eyes are mostly admiration and regret, in their opinion, Longinus has played a good hand badly.

"Hmm? Why do I feel that the upper floors are suddenly noisy?"

"Heh! Could it be that another pirate has escaped from prison?"

"Haha! Let me hear what's going on up there. Down with the World Government, welcome back Fleet Admiral Longinus, well, this sentence seems to mean that they want to ..."

The pirates who spoke were suddenly stunned, their mouths subconsciously opened and let out a "giggling" choking sound of breathing, and there was dead silence in the Eternal Hell.

After a long time, a pirate forced himself to laugh, "Bartow, did you hear something wrong?"

Bartow turned his gaze to the door and said in a deep voice, "Just wait and hear for yourself."

The next moment, the door was violently pushed open.

One by one, the Marine and guards with frenzied expressions on their faces rushed in, shouting, "Down with the World Government, welcome back Fleet Admiral Longinus!"

At once, it filled this floor of the prison with the sound of clanging and falling; looking at this crazy scene, these pirates almost glared their eyes out.

In particular, Ace, who was imprisoned in a corner, was even almost bitten off his tongue because, to his surprise, he saw his grandfather in the ranks of this group of people!

Not only his grandfather, but those famous big names in the New World could also find their corresponding faces in the crowd.

He was still a bit happy at that moment, but now he was already shocked to the point that he couldn't make a sound, except for his old man, he had never seen a person's personality could be so big as this!

Hearing the commotion, Magellan covered his stomach and came out of the toilet.

"Magellan, are you going to stop us?" Sengoku asked.

Who knows, Magellan is generally relieved, "You guys came to the good, I have told him many times, but he did not listen, you quickly persuade him to learn how big brother Dragon directly defected! No, I still have things to do ... I'll leave it to you guys here!"

After saying that, he rushed into the toilet again in a flash, leaving a group of people there to look at each other.

"It seems that we are really expecting it!" Garp said with a big smile.

Tokikake took a big step forward and said, "Boss, we've come to get you out!"

Longinus face sunken, "You guys are ..."

However, before he finished, Drake snatched the ordinary answer shouted, "Sensei, I know you do not want to cause unrest, but, this wrong world must be corrected!"

Longinus shook his head with a bitter smile, "I am not because ..."

Seems not to want to hear the words of rejection from his mouth, Gion hurriedly waved a large stack of thick paper and said, "Here is a joint statement issued by the Marine Headquarters, the major branches, the ninety-one affiliated kingdoms, and the major races, announcing the expulsion of the original government from the Union, and hope that you will re-form a new government!"

Ace, who just returned to his senses, was once again petrified; what did he hear? It is not the joint action of the Marine Corps and Impel Down? It is simply the common desire of the world!

More than half of the world's power was on his side at first... Ace's heart is shocked, which is impossible to see the cohesive force on the pirates, even his old man, it is impossible to make more than half of the world's pirates support him!

After Gion finished, Morgans followed, "Fleet Admiral Longinus, the world has put its hopes on your body, if you refuse, they will certainly be met with ferocious retaliation by the pseudo-government!"

Garp was even more direct and decisive, breaking all the railings made of Kairoseki, "When did you guys become so unpleasant, hurry up and go back to the job as the fleet admiral you are!"

Longinus took a deep breath, took a big step out, took the fleet admiral's coat handed to him by Gion and put it on his body, and said under the excited and exuberant gaze of the crowd, "Since you all trust me so much, I am here to solemnly promise that I, Longinus, will definitely lead you to the brightest future!"

"Now, follow me to take back the world that should belong to us!"

Published in Qidian, December 25, 2019