Longinus' Invitation

Somewhere on the sea, the Red Force.

"Pfft ..." After hearing the report from his men, the redhead who was heavily drinking spewed a column of booze towards the front, "Cough cough, are you saying that rumor is true? Longinus was really put in prison?"

Yasopp expressionlessly wipes dry liquor said, "Well, we received the news at sea inevitably some delay, from this newspaper marked the date, he should have been imprisoned in the day before yesterday!"

Akagami took the paper with suspicion, scanned the contents of the paper, and then, directly laughed on the ground, "Hahahahaha! This is really interesting, that guy, even the World Government has been put in prison this day!"

Yasopp gave him a slightly surprised look, "I thought that you would be a little sad."

"What am I sad about? Although he and I can be considered rivals, but, there is a difference between opponents and rivals! Hawkeye is much cuter than him!" Akagami tapped someone's shoulder next to him to invite credit, "Right? Hawkeye!"

The corners of Hawkeye's mouth tugged, and a cold light shot out of his eyes, "If you talk any more, I'll cut you down now!"

Akagami snorted and changed the subject, "I guessed wrong this time, I never thought that those fools of the World Government would be so impatient!"

Beckman, of course, knew that Akagami was talking about their last discussion in the Wano Country, "Gorosei should not be so stupid, it would become such a situation now, thanks to the help of those Celestial Dragons."

Listen to Beckman mentioned the Celestial Dragons; Akagami also has a kind of unbelievable feeling, "The world''s strongest man, but because of a scum has gone to prison, this is really ..."

Suddenly, Yasopp got up and looked into the distance, "It's a Marine warship!"

"Marine warships?" All the people stood up with surprised faces, "Why is there a marine force appearing here?"

"Judging from the flags they're flying, it doesn't seem like they're here to fight." Beckman turned an inquiring gaze to the redhead.

"It's interesting that a marine has suddenly approached me at a moment when the Fleet Admiral is in captivity..." Akagami rubbed his chin with interest, "Let them come over!"

Under the aggressive gaze of a group of pirates, one leader of the marine forces came down with several marine soldiers, "Vice Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, Momonga!"

Hearing his self-introduction, the playfulness in Akagami's eyes grew even more, "The Marine Headquarters is actually comfortable letting a vice admiral come to my ship, is this really not treating me as a pirate?"

Hearing such a tone of the boss, the surrounding pirates also unkindly laugh.

The soldier who followed him down blushed a little, and Momonga responded calmly, "I think, as Yonko, you should not have only this kind of weapon, right?"

Akagami did not deny it and smiled, "Say, your purpose."

Momonga also did not care about his attitude, "I came today to convey the message of Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza!"

"Heh! So it's him..." Akagami said with a stutter in his voice, turning his head sharply to look at Yasopp, "Didn't you say he was captured?"

Yasopp also frowned at Momonga, "Could it be, that newspaper the day before yesterday was misinformation?"

Momonga looked a little odd, "It was not a misinformation, only, that news is out of date!"

Receiving the newspaper from the adjutant, Momonga handed it over, "You can read it, this is the latest report!"

The next moment, Akagami, Hawkeye, Yasopp, Beckman, four heads together squeezed over.

All four did not make a sound, but the pupils were instinctively contracted, it seems that from this newspaper saw, even they were surprised by the shocking news!

"Is this true?" Soon, Yasopp was the first to ask in a sullen voice, "Is it true that more than half of the forces have directly sided with Longinus?"

Akagami and other people did not say anything, but the shock in their eyes was all overwhelmed; this kind of thing, is it possible to do?

Momonga, with pride and self-respect, raised his chest, "You have not seen wrong, this is the charisma of our fleet admiral! You pirates, you will not understand the greatness of the fleet admiral!"

Those soldiers who were trembling and afraid at this moment also dispelled their fear and straightened their bodies with pride and self-respect.

Beckman did not care about the mockery in the words of Momonga but calmly analyzed, "From being imprisoned to issuing a joint statement, to releasing Longinus, and finally to your appearance here, all of this is surprisingly just two days! In other words, there is not much time left for those forces to react!"

Momonga said humbly, "To be precise, it took me two days to get here from the headquarters."

When hearing the conversation between the two, a group of pirates is increasingly shocked; such efficient action shows that those forces have chosen to stand without any hesitation in the decision!

Mind you; they are the enemy of the World Government; one mistake is the country's end and the race!

But even so, they still made a decision so quickly; it is difficult to imagine that man, in the end, has such a strong appeal!

This strong, weighing down a group of pirates somewhat breathless.

"You came here today, should not just plan to show off to us, right?" Akagami calmed down and asked in a deep voice.

Momonga restrained his smugness and said seriously, "Fleet Admiral wants to invite you to the headquarters to attend a meeting that can determine the fate of this world, and by the way, so does Hawkeye-dono!"

Hearing him say this, those pirates who were still immersed in shock have shouted:

"Boss, don't go! This must be a trap for the Marine!"

"Vile marine, what do you want to do to the boss?"

"Kill him! Let the Marine know what we are capable to do!"

In the face of a crowd of pirates, Momonga is indifferent, just calmly said, "If you are worried about security, then there is absolutely no need! Because, Fleet Admiral not only invited you, but also invited the Demon Sword Pirates, Oka Shichibukai, the New Marine, the Revolutionary Army, the world's most powerful forces are among the invitations! In this case, we will not do it, nor do we have that ability to do it!"

Hearing the explanation of Vice-Admiral Momonga, these pirates are more shocked, the world's powerful forces are invited together; what the Marine Corps is trying to do?

Or rather, what does Longinus want?

Akagami did not care about this but asked another question, "What do you mean, the meeting that can decide the fate of this world?"

"I don't know." Momonga shook his head, "I'm just responsible for delivering this information!"

"Boss, don't believe him! Look, even he can't even say it himself!"

"Yes, boss! The Marine Headquarters kind of place is too dangerous no matter what!"

Although Momonga gave a guarantee, these pirates still have tried to discourage, after all, that place is the nightmare of all pirates, the Marine Headquarters ah!

Seeing Akagami fall into silence, Momonga added, "Whether you agree or refuse, please make a decision as soon as possible, if you can't get to the headquarters within three days, this invitation will automatically expire!"

"Three days? Why three days?" Akagami asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because, this is the maximum time we can buy!" Momonga said meaningfully and then, in the indignant gaze of a pirates group, led the soldiers around back to the warship.

"If I'm not wrong...," Beckman said with narrowed eyes, "the World Government may still be kept in the dark right now!"

"Yes! Three days! Plus the previous is five days!" Akagami eyes gaze, "Be able to cut off five days of communication and still not be found, that means the control of more than half of the World Government has long been in the hands of the marine, which is already very scary, but even more scary is that so powerful they actually need to bring us together to achieve some kind of purpose!"

"So what? What's your answer?" Beckman asked.

"Haha! Of course we're going!" Akagami laughed, "It's been a long time since I've been as excited about an unknown 'adventure' as I am today!"

Published in Qidian, December 26, 2019