Massive Attrition!

When the words fell, the ground beneath the feet of the crowd suddenly ripped open, the entire Mariejois were shaking violently, and then flew into the sky at great speed, hanging upside down.

"Ah! What's going on?"

"The island, turned upside down by her!"

Although several people hovered in mid-air with the moonwalk in time, more fell like rain.

Luckily, a large number of super-sized sea kings appeared in time under the calm surface of the sea, hissing and roaring, holding the falling crowd above their heads.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw Imu manoeuvring the huge island to smash down from the sky.

Not a natural fall, but in a flash was accelerated to the extreme, hardly waiting for them to react, that because of the extreme speed friction and turned into a huge ball of fire Mariejois has appeared in front of their eyes.

Wind stirring, flame flowing, even those super large sea king class instinctively retracted their bodies back under the sea, such volume and speed under the fall. The impact caused is unimaginable!

Just then, a tall figure met it with great speed, clenching his right fist, seemingly with milky white light bursting out.

Compared to the huge fireball, this figure is naturally tiny, as if a moth fluttering to the sun, giving a feeling of insouciance.

But the result is that the sun exploded!

Streams of fire overflowed, and all kinds of broken boulders floated down like a shower of meteor fire.

Jūryoku - Floating Field!

After passing through a layer of gravity space, the speed of those meteorite rains falling slowed down suddenly, this level of the blow is already within the acceptable range of the crowd!

"Whew! Luckily, we have Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza and Admiral Fujitora!"

"This guy is really strong! He can actually use the island as a weapon of her own!"

Although they had long known that those top battle powers had the terrifying power to destroy an island, this was the first time they had seen one that could easily play with an island as Imu did!

Just then, another wave churned beneath the surface of the sea, and soon, all those mountainous islands that had sunk at the bottom of the sea flew up draped in seawater.

One, two ... ten, a hundred ...

Hundreds of islands hanging in the air and almost completely blocked the sunlight, giving people the feeling, as if the starry sky that shocking, see this appalling scene, the crowd is involuntarily open wide mouth.

"What a super scary power!" Kizaru looked to the side with a frightened face and asked, "Issho, can you make these strange and scary looking things fall?"

"That's really hard for me!" Issho sighed, "I can't snatch her up when it comes to control."

"What a messed up guy!" Sengoku's face was ugly because this scene brought back bad memories for him.

"The last person who was this messy was Shiki, right?" Garp stood there with a hollow chest and said to himself, "But that guy Shiki could only manage to throw the island out of the sky, but accelerating to the extreme like she did, it's much harder to deal with than Shiki!"

"All of you, go to hell!" Imu roared, manipulating the islands in the sky to fall like a meteorite rain.

Speed, once again, was accelerated to the extreme!

It was too late to give orders at this extreme speed, but they didn't need Longinus' orders either.

No one can stand out in this fierce era who has not experienced countless battles.

Even if there is no cooperation, or even against each other, they all played incomparable tacit cooperation.

Issho steeply drew his staff knife, a circle of purple ripples instantly rushed up into the sky, the speed of the rain of flames that were passed by these ripples suddenly dropped.

At the same time, the manic hurricane rolled up more than 100 waterspouts on the sea. These waterspouts connected the sky and the sea and allowed the falling islands to continue in the air for a second.

Simultaneously, the manic and violent hurricane winds rolled hundreds of water tornadoes over the sea, which connected the sky and the sea, and at the same time sustained those falling islands in the air for a second.

"Gaban, we're going up!"

"Let us, the remnants of the times, also contribute something good!"

Rayleigh slashed out a splendid chopping blow of thousands of meters, splitting a burning island in two, while Gaban threw the small axe grasped in his hand straight out, causing another island to explode with a loud bang.

"Stupid, do not come in the way of the old man!" Transformed into a giant dragon, Kaido sprayed a hot breath into the sky.

"You're the idiot and get out of the way!" Despite this, Sakazuki still used the Dai Funka to hit the sky.

"Ryu no Ibuki!" Sabo kicked out a Ryusoken, "Luffy, Ace, let's compare who broke the most islands!"

"Don't underestimate me!" Ace confidently shot a Hiken, "Imprisoned in these two years, I am not wasting time!"

"The one who wins is definitely me! Because, I am to become the Pirate King..." Luffy fourth gear mode of the crazy bombardment abruptly stalled, towards the direction of Blackbeard is located, "The Universe Pirate King!"


Under the crowd's full cooperation, this can be described as the normal destruction of the earth's strikes are blocked.

But before they could take a breath, a cry of pain made their hearts tense up again.

"You bastard, what did you do to Gaban?"

"It seems that, he has some bad luck!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, the crowd reacted to where Imu had gone in the previous gap.

After looking around, at once, many more painful voices erupted.

"Vice Admiral Yamakaji, Vice Admiral Yamakaji, what happened to you?"

"Damn it! Vice Admiral Onigumo has been killed too!"

"Lucky Roux, you bastard wake up!"

"Commander Karasu, Commander Karasu!"

"Nekomamushi-sama! Please get your act together!"

Seeing the crowd with hateful eyes, Imu laughed loudly, "I was wrong, I shouldn't have wasted time with those troublesome guys in the first place, compared to them, you losers are really easy to kill and can give me pleasure! Moreover, it is also better for them to experience my pain!"

With that, she also proudly glanced in the direction where Longinus was.

"That damned bastard!" The crowd cursed in hatred and anger and could not help but feel a sense of awe; she killed even a strong vice-admiral like Onigumo and Yamakaji in seconds; the vast majority of them did not even have a chance to struggle against Imu!

Previously, Imu was too arrogant to make the first move against them, but now, God has put down her dignity and pride, which means that their biggest crisis is coming.

"Compared to the cold-blooded machinery at the beginning, you are becoming increasingly like a human being!" Longinus' face was cold, while his heart was secretly speculating, "First the confusion of the original body being killed, then the fear brought by the near failure, and the fear after the lucky escape, and the anger after being provoked by me, and now the madness after the paranoia!"

"The countdown of our life has begun!"

Published in Qidian, January 05, 2020