For the Glory of Me, Better Go to Hell!

"The fact that she would do this is actually proof that our strategy has succeeded!" In such a dead silence, Longinus suddenly spoke, "She is not as invincible as we thought, she is also in fear of our attack, that's why she is trying to weaken our power even without changing targets!"

Hearing Longinus say this reignited the crowd's receding morale.

"Yes! She will be wounded and bleeding too, in the end she is only a human being!"

"That's right! The best way to conquer fear is to face it! Perseverance is victory!"

"Appreciable courage, and ... meaningless determination!" Imu said, leaping away as white light.

But this white light has not yet shuttled to the crowd; it was struck out by Longinus mid-air horizontal strike.

"You bastard, what do you want to do to them ah?" Longinus brow is full of "anger".

Imu stabilized her body in mid-air and didn't get angry but showed a perverted smile, "You're angry, aren't you? I thought you were always so calm! It's just a pity that the more you don't want to see, the more I'm going to do!"

At this time, the others also flew over from mid-air.

"You scum, don't even think about getting out of here!" Both Rayleigh and Akagami surrounded them with suppressed anger.

"How do you plan to pay the debt of Ivankov and Karasu?" Dragon and Sabo coldly blocked in front of her.

"You killed Oniguma, then I'll kill you!" Sakazuki hit her with a direct shot of Pluton.

"What a good determination! However, you seem to have gotten one thing wrong! It's true that it's a bit troublesome to kill you, but do you really think it's that hard to get rid of you?"

Imu's face was cold, and the invisible magnetic force emanated, causing the blood in the crowd's body to vaguely ripple.

In the next moment, the feathered wings behind her perked up and rushed towards Akagami closest to her.

"This bastard ..." to see Imu used him as a breakthrough, Akagami eyes blaze with anger, with his Gryphon in hand along with the incomparably strong hegemony fiercely cut out.

"This cripple even has this level of Haki?" Imu's eyes appeared a touch of shock; she chose Akagami as a breakthrough; indeed, there is a factor of contempt for the other party in it, "but, only this degree!"

The only one who deserves her attention is Longinus!

First in front of the body erected force field shield, the Gryphon seems to be caught in the puddle generally, the speed of attack suddenly reduced, and Imu is to take advantage of this time pointed out a finger.

Akagami instinctively wants to avoid retreat, but thought of the dead buddies, surprisingly gritted his teeth, pouring a lot of Busoshoku Haki into the blade, cut through the shield, and actively faced up.

"Shanks!" Several shrieks in succession rang out at the same time.

But good thing, he did not trigger the effect!

"This guy ..." Imu sighed lightly, not knowing whether to lament the other party's courage or luck, with wings behind her back poking out in front of her, blocking Akagami's attack and then slapping it away with her hands.

However, Akagami finally bought time for the crowd.

In the moment when Imu stagnant, Rayleigh's sabre, Kaido's club, and Sakazuki's giant magma fist attacked nearly simultaneously.

"What a trouble!" Imu's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly and prioritized kicking Sakazuki away while holding up the force field shield.

At that moment, Rayleigh and Kaido also breached the shield and rushed over.

Her figure flashed, with three pairs of blood-red feathers like sharp blades slashing at the two.

Kaido's body was trembling, and Rayleigh was spitting blood and flying backwards, and there was still a pretty obvious gap between the two in terms of physical strength.

But that's not all; the attack of Katakuri, Dragon, and Blackbeard took over again.

"It's never ending!" Imu sent Katakuri flying with a punch, then pointed the finger at Blackbeard, and just as she was about to take advantage of the opportunity to finish off Dragon, she was surprised to find that Blackbeard had run away without any resistance.

Even Imu also froze for a moment, but she quickly seized this breakthrough out of the encirclement.

She appeared in the marine camp between lightning and fire, a Vice Admiral directly killed in seconds.

" Vice Admiral Dalmatian!" A group of marines shouted in alarm.

Seeing that Longinus had rushed over, Imu jumped again extremely fast to the revolutionary army's direction.

Feather sliced across someone's throat, "Heh! The second one!"

"Lindbergh!" Dragon clenched his palm hard, "That damned bastard!"

"Speaking of which, I really have to thank that fat black-skinned pig! Such decisiveness, it's unbelievable!" Imu gently laughed; she is also the first time to see someone escape so decisively.

"Blackbeard, are you looking for death?"

Seeing Dragon and the marine forces are angry eyes cast, Blackbeard "embarrassed" rubbed the back of the head, "I have a black face, bad luck, her ability was too much restraint on me!

The crowd is furious but somehow helpless.

Because, Blackbeard's luck seems to be very bad indeed.

"See? You guys can't stop me at all!" Seeing the signs of infighting, Imu became more and more cheerful, "Next, who would be better to start with?"

Seeing Imu's playful gaze sweeping, it suddenly tightened the hearts of the crowd; just at this time, the gloomy face of Doflamingo suddenly burst into a trance.

At that moment, some seeping laughter came out from his mouth, "The so-called Celestial Dragons, so it's just a joke? Fuffuffuffu! The news of Ope Ope no Mi was also released by you, right? It is true that those who obtain Ope Ope no Mi can control the Uranus, but the essence is that you are a puppet who is not bound to the Uranus, right?"

Imu, slightly surprised to look at him, "You are a Celestial Dragon? Interesting, I didn't expect there to be someone like you who is not afraid of death within the Celestial Dragons!"

"The dream that has held my ambition for decades has been shattered like this, what's a thing like death? This kind of despair, have not you also experienced?" Doflamingo laughed sorrowfully, "Did I say it wrong? Old woman Imu!"

Hiss ... The crowd drew back a cold breath, causing the sea surface temperature to rise abruptly!

No one could have imagined that this guy dared to do so!

But for those familiar with him, there is some confusion; Doflamingo should not be such a brave person ah!

However, after thinking about it, they could understand, for a nobleman like Doflamingo, broken ambition is indeed more unacceptable than death!

But there is no need to anger Imu so much, right? Even if you die, it's too painful to become incomplete like Blackbeard before you die!

In the side of the crowd, Longinus lowered his eyelids, the depths of his pupils are full of indifference, "If you die, Monet's matter will not become a flaw! For the sake of my glory, it is better for you to die!"

Published in Qidian, January 06, 2020