Magnetic Reconnection

Hearing this fearful voice, the crowd turned their heads to look incredulously.

What was reflected in their eyes was a rather horrifying picture of Imu, who was only partially left above her chest, floating in mid-air, gazing at them with eyes filled with killing intent.

"How is it possible to be like this and still not die?"

"Monster! This guy is simply a monster that can't be killed!"

The mindset of a marine and pirates group is a bit broken; even that explosion level can not kill her; they really can not think of what else can defeat the other side.

Even Akagami and others could not help but fall into silence, only one head left and still alive; this kind of outrageous thing is Kaido can not do, right?

"You guys look surprised?" Imu, somewhat self-deprecatingly, said, "Do not forget, I have long ceased to be human! The human norm, does not apply to me!"

Dragon was slightly stunned and then looked at Longinus incredulously, "Could it be that she is the same as that alien type in the Florian Triangle sea? No vitality, unless she is destroyed all together?"

Longinus took a deep breath and said with a grave face, "Now it seems likely that this is the case!"

Seeing that the ever-steady Dragon's face had also become unbearably ugly, Sakazuki asked, "What exactly do you two mean?"

"You can understand that she can survive even without her heart and brain, in other words, these organs are actually her mimicry to remember who she once was!" Longinus said in a solemn voice, "The only way to defeat her is to completely destroy her from the substance level!"

"In other words, just blow her remaining head off?" Sakazuki asked with a cold face.

"You have already missed the two most likely opportunities to kill me, and next, you won't have that kind of luck again!" Saying that, Imu was enveloped by a burst of white light below her neck, and her body, surprisingly, recovered at speed visible to the naked eye!

Of course, the key parts which lacked clothes were still covered by the holy light.

Seeing this, the crowd was shouting in horror.

"Cheat, right? Is this battle back to the beginning?"

"Damn it! She retained that healing ability as well!"

"There's no way we can win! There's no way we can defeat God!"

Just then, Longinus said in a gentle voice, "Don't be afraid, as I said, these are only illusions, no matter how she changes, her weak nature cannot be concealed!"

With that, Longinus looked at Imu again, "I'll return what you just said, you've gotten away with it twice, next, you won't have that kind of luck again!"

"Using Gasha Gasha no Mi, combining the mobility of a human and the might of the Pluton into one, I also have to admit that you do have the capital to be able to threaten me! But ..." Imu shaking her body, the whole sea was almost tipped over, "I will not give you ten more minutes! Moreover, I do not want to last that long in this state!"

As the words fell, she instantly appeared in front of the Giant King Olaf and twisted her body, sweeping her right leg across to kick Olaf's huge body out.

"Wait, how is her strength ..."

"How is it possible? She's gotten stronger again!"

With the eyesight of Dragon and the others, they could naturally see at a glance that Imu's strength had not only not weakened but had increased quite a bit.

To them, this was simply something that defied common sense!

"Impossible, she has fallen into a weakened state only, why, her strength is still enhanced?" Longinus' face changed slightly, and for the first time, he was troubled by a situation beyond his control.

But he quickly sank and spread out the King Frontier to see the reality around him with a gesture beyond the world!

"Is this ... magnetic reconnection?" What appeared in Longinus' eyes was the sight of magnetic lines tangled together, constantly breaking and reconnecting.

After developing his brain field, although his intelligence is not possible to compare with a monster like Vegapunk, for some scientific theories, it is not too difficult to understand.

This phenomenon, called "magnetic reconnection" or "magnetic osmosis", is believed to be the cause of the sun's energy release, and this alone shows the power of this ability!

"She survived the nuclear blast by relying on this ability to offset part of the shock? But with this powerful ability, why must she wait until the last moment to explode? Is it arrogance? No, that emotion seems to be ... disgusting!" These thoughts flew through Longinus' mind, and the battle in the outside world almost remained at the moment when Imu pounded Olaf, and he had already analyzed the answer.

"I now finally understand why those ancient scientists wanted her to become the Uranus, and also, how the big army of those cosmic pirates was wiped out by her!" With that said, Longinus still looked grave, "But if that's the case, it also means that my backup is probably not so safe!"

"In that case, it seems that I must add one more insurance policy to it!"

Imu's body flashed quickly between lightning and fire, six feathered wings like six knives, cutting a hideous narrow wound in Rayleigh's chest.

One more ... seeing Rayleigh spitting blood backwards out, the hearts of the crowd tightened, their current state than at the beginning of the battle has been quite a lot worse, under this and the other has been completely not Imu's opponent!

"No matter what, at least buy ten minutes of time!"

Longinus roared and rushed up, with Kenbunshoku Haki constantly peering at Imu.

Imu's strength is stronger than his, but Kenbunshok Haki's development is not as good as his; more importantly, Imu's heart has long been chaotic!

In this case, he is not unlikely to eavesdrop on Imu's heart.

Dragon and others, although they do not know the real purpose of Longinus, they also recognize what Longinus said, just ten minutes then no matter what to say to fight once.

Time is passing, and the number of people who withdrew from the field with serious injuries is increasing, first was Rayleigh, Zephyr, and then was Akagami and Kizaru...

Either old and frail or weak physique, in this battle, can only retire early.

When the time came to the fifth minute, the only one still on the field was already left with Longinus!

Slap! Snap! Snap!

Each of them left wounds on the other's body at a speed that exceeded their limits, and in the end, Longinus was blown away heavily when his strength was exhausted.

Seeing this situation, everyone fell silent.

The final ending, or did they lose?

"Hoo! Hoo! Heh~ Hahahahahaha!" Imu first panted heavily and then laughed wantonly, "It seems that this battle is won by me!"

Longinus, who was half-kneeling on top of the supergiant sea king type's head, raised his head with difficulty, "No, it's you who lost!"

"Heh! You're still now ..." Imu said mockingly.

Just then, there was a boom!

A column of blazing white light flashed, and another mushroom cloud rose.

The terrible disaster that appeared five minutes ago was repeated! The sky ripped apart, the sea turned over, as if the whole world had suffered lethal damage!

When the storm subsided, the crowd was also still somewhat unable to react.

"This, what's going on? Was that another shelling from the Pluto just now?"

"Wait, didn't they say there was a ten-minute interval?"

"I know! Bullet is deliberately saying ten minutes to confuse the enemy!"

"But he didn't know Imu wasn't dead when he said the ten-minute limit, right?"

"Hey, his enemy is not only Imu!"

"Anyway, we finally won, and when we get back, I'll ..."

Just then, the shadowy voice unexpectedly came over again.

"What? You guys look happy?"

The crowd's bodies stiffened and turned their heads, and they suddenly found that Imu was flying on the sea intact, surprisingly not even half injured.

"This can't be, why is this?"

"Damn! This must be a nightmare right?"

Many pirate and marine are clutching their heads and shouting, not that they have poor psychological quality, it's just that this result is too hard to accept!

"I knew it, you guys were talking about ten minutes to scam me again!" Flying over the sea, Imu laughed so hard that even tears came out of her eyes, "I told you, the same move don't try to succeed a second time with me ah!"

Seeing the crowd's faces showing despair and seemingly being completely defeated, Imu smiled and looked at Longinus, "Admit it, you lost!"

However, Longinus shook his head, "I told you, it was you who lost! The closest thing to success is also the most likely place to fail!"

"Imu, didn't you notice? Right now, you are at your most vulnerable state!"

Published in Qidian, January 07, 2020