False and True Personality!

Hearing what Longinus said, even Dragon and the others were extremely surprised; at this point, Longinus still had a backup?

Imu is stunned, unexpectedly nodded soberly, "You are right, I am indeed a bit slack, but this is because I really can't think of any other way you guys are able to defeat me!"

Saying that, Imu turned his mocking gaze to those Alliance troops who were holding each other, "Don't tell me that your backup is them?"

"It's true that we can't defeat you, but someone can!" Longinus looked straight at Imu and said, "I'll trouble you next, Dr. Vegapunk!"

Hearing Longinus say this, the crowd all stirred and looked around.

"Ah? Is that the legendary Vegapunk with 500 years of intelligence beyond human beings?"

"Didn't they say he had disappeared? A reward has been posted!"

"But he's just a scientist, is it really possible to defeat Imu?"

Imu was stunned for a moment and looked around with interest, "Oh? What about Dr. Vegapunk? Where is he, I am still quite interested in him!"

Just then, Imu's face stiffened, and a voice that did not belong to her, surprisingly, also came out of her mouth, "These days, thank you for taking care of Imu-sama!"

At this moment, almost everyone was looking at Imu with horrified eyes; if they didn't misunderstand, that legendary Dr. Vegapunk was actually inside Imu's body?

"Impossible, impossible, who the hell are you? Why are you able to control the Uranus as well?" Imu's face changed wildly; she could no longer keep calm and shouted hysterically.

"My name is Vegapunk, as for why I can control the Uranus..." the calm and serene voice came out again, "because, of course, I have the same substance as you, Imu-sama! "

"The same?" Imu regained control of sovereignty and asked in a voice of disbelief, "I see! Your consciousness is lurking in that fire fragment? In other words, you transformed yourself into a mechanical being just like me?"

"That's right." Vegapunk didn't hide it, "When you, Imu-sama, intended to work out the method to break free from the bondage through that fire fragment in reverse, my stream of consciousness had already transferred to the Uranus."

"Why? Why did I not notice anything?" Imu still couldn't accept this cruel truth.

She had been forced to give up her human body to become a cold machine, but now, even the weapon that housed her was going to be taken away?

"Imu-sama, your strength is indeed very strong, but please forgive me for being direct, your achievements in science are at most the level of my fifteen years old." Vegapunk said "sincerely".

He implies that a rookie like you, of course, can not discover his existence!

Hearing Vegapunk say this, the people who had been despised by Imu before were like a pot of cold water in the desert that refreshing.

Let you despise us before; now, finally, it's your turn to be despised!

But after calming down, they had to marvel at the sacrifice made by Dr. Vegapunk, giving up his human body and becoming a senseless mechanical monster, which for most people, is undoubtedly more terrible than death!

"In order to liberate this world, Fleet Admiral Longinus did not hesitate to carry the darkness, Dr. Vegapunk is to give up his body ..." in the previous nuclear explosion caused damage to one hand and one leg of Coby, can not help but sigh, "compared with them, my sacrifice is nothing! This sacrifice of mine is nothing at all!"

"Dr. Vegapunk ..." said Kuma, who looked on in silence with some complicated eyes.

"So, this is the cooperation you and Vegapunk reached!" Sakazuki's cold face also emerged a touch of movement, "Another one like me!"

"Imu, you should have thought from the day you let Dr. Vegapunk start the human mechanization research ..." Longinus said righteously, "Your sin will one day come to you in the same way as body!"

"Sinful research? Heh! Speak as if you were not involved!" Imu said with a gloomy face, "But you guys are really good! I can't believe you've been counting on me since that time!"

Longinus shook his head and said, "In fact, I didn't know about the decision Dr. Vegapunk made at that time, and it was only when you asked me for that fire fragment through the World Government that I really understood what the Doctor was thinking!"

For his part, Vegapunk added, "To be precise, we were counting on the Uranus! After all, we didn't know at the time that you were the Uranus either!"

"The Uranus?" Imu almost gritted her silver teeth, "I will never let the control of the Uranus be snatched away from you! I don't believe that my eight hundred years of control over the Heavenly King will be no better than yours!"

At this time, Imu's face changed once again, "Normally, of course, I can't compete with you, Imu-sama! However, Marshal Longinus and the others have already done so much to help me, so it would be unjustifiable if I couldn't win again! Not to mention, I'm not the only enemy you have to face, right?"

Imu's face suddenly changed again, and she asked with a grimace, "You saw her?"

Vegapunk said seriously, "Thanks to the real Imu-sama to help me hide, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to guarantee that I could keep from revealing myself."

"I said why that bastard is talking so much lately! So he's helping you attract attention!" Imu was first extremely angry, then fiercely grabbed her palms and shouted, "What do you mean by the real Imu? I am Imu!"

"You're just the dark side of Imu ... No, you're not even a dark side, just a deformed freak! A product of tragedy!"

"You bastard! I will kill you!" Imu said with a stutter in her voice because, surprisingly, she found herself with less control over the Heavenly King, "You're deliberately provoking me?"

"I just learned a few moves from Fleet Admiral Longinus while I was lurking just now, and it looks like, it worked pretty well!"

"Ahhhhhhh! Bastard bastard bastard!"

From Imu's "talking to himself" just now, the crowd went into a dumbfounded mode.

What do you mean by the real Imu? Is there a fake Imu?

Moreover, this statement that one wants to kill oneself, no matter how it looks like a late stage of split personality!

Yes, this guy is a crazy person!

On the other hand, Longinus has a weird sense of resemblance because, counting the words of Vegapunk, the current Imu, like him, can also be said to have three personalities!

This Imu is a false persona; their personalities pull each other's legs, their strength is seriously affected.

Unlike him, his illness is not as serious as Imu's, but according to the other world, his psychosis has been returned to its original state!

For him, instead of three personalities, it is more like three masks of one personality.

It wasn't quite clear what was going on, but the crowd could see that the situation was now completely upside down on their side!

Therefore, everyone was breathing a long sigh of relief.

"Phew! It can finally be over!" Kizaru leaned on a small bump of the Sea King skin, with a look of exhaustion to paralysis.

"Haha! This time you have to go back to have a good drink!" Akagami laughed and patted Hawkeye's shoulder.

Published in Qidian, January 07, 2020