King of the World (Grand Finale)

After hearing this, all the people present were horrified.

The terror brought by Imu has not yet dissipated, so this topic is undoubtedly very sensitive.

But before Longinus could make a defence, the dissatisfaction accumulated in the Marine camp had already burst out.

"Dragon, what do you mean by this? Saying such things, are you trying to deliberately provoke a dispute?" Drake stood up with a slap on the table.

"You're confusing the concept!" Smoker said in a deep voice, "A weapon in the hands of the wicked would be a murderous weapon that destroys peace, but in the hands of good people it is a force that maintains order!"

"What Imu did, what the leader has done, I think we all know very well." Momonga also said in a melancholy tone, "Even to put it in a bad way, if the leader wanted to become Imu, he could have launched a puppet like the five old stars and hide behind the curtain to control the world himself!"

Hearing them say so, the crowd also calmed down.

Indeed, how could the Great Leader be like Imu's scum?

Vice-Admiral Momonga was not wrong, with the power that the Leader had in his hands now, even more, powerful than Imu during the pseudo-government if he wanted to rule the world, there was no need to gather them together for any peace talks, nor was there any need to limit his power on his initiative like now!

Dragon was unmoved, just staring dead at Longinus, "I want to hear your opinion."

"It is not such a difficult question to answer." A look of remembrance appeared on Longinus' face, "As I once did, I would refuse to be promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral, but would not budge a step from the positions of Admiral and Fleet Admiral."

"The reason is simple, the higher the position is the more power in the hands and the greater the impact on the world, instead of letting those who are less capable abuse their power, it is better to let the power be in the hands of the best people from the beginning!"

"If someone is more excellent than me, they naturally have the ability to take this power from my hands, if not, then listen to my command in peace and quiet! The fate of this world can never be in the hands of incompetent people!"

Hearing this domineering declaration of Longinus, all the marines are excited to clench their fists; most people in the military like this argument, capable people on the top not capable people to get down, it is so simple!

Others in the large conference room are also nodding instinctively; power in the hands of incompetent people is a disaster.

And this world, there are better people than the leader?

Dragon, on the other hand, his forehead tightened, "I'm not denying your ability, and even in my opinion, the world is indeed no better candidate than you to become a leader! But the problem is that over a long span of time, power can decay and deteriorate, eventually turning into an uncontrollable beast!"

Longinus smiled faintly, "You mean to say that I will be controlled by power in the future and turn into a beast manipulated by my desires?"

Dragon responded in a deep voice, "Time can change everything!"

"I still stand by my previous point, if someone does a better job than me, I certainly won't mind giving up the power in my hands." Longinus shook his head, "But if it is just a hypothesis, one possibility, should hand over the power to those who are not as good as me, sorry, I can't do it!"

"Also as I said before, the crisis of this world has not been lifted, the progress of this era has not stagnated, and at such a time, we should forge ahead with a more positive mindset instead of escaping with an archaic and conservative mentality."

"In this regard, in fact, I have also made arrangements long ago, I will set up a meeting of ten people who are under the leader, and they will be able to supervise me from all sides while dividing the power of all sides, in this way, I can ensure that I will not make decisions that deviate from the track!"

Hearing this, all the people present sighed in their hearts; it was the first time they saw that someone had taken the initiative to limit their power.

"The leader is just too great!"

"Always support our Great Leader!"

But Dragon is not optimistic about this; with Longinus's ability, just a short decade or so made so many people die to follow if this period is enlarged to decades or even a hundred years. He dare not guarantee how many people are still able to stand out against Longinus?

At that time, perhaps, Longinus simple words will be regarded as the truth!

Thinking of this, Dragon took a deep breath and said, "But how do you guarantee that your offspring will not become the next Celestial Dragon? You can be strict with them, but when they become your sixth and seventh generation, when their numbers are increasing, how are you going to discipline? Not to mention, the highest power in the world, you do not have much time to spend on these aspects, right?"

It's too much to bite off more than you can chew ... Seeing Dragon aggressively, all the people in the room are the same angry gaze on him.

Even the revolutionary army crowd is also timid eyes, Longinus is so tolerant to them, but their leader is so harsh to him, which makes them all feel a little embarrassed.

However, Longinus was giving a long sigh, "About this aspect, I have actually discussed with Gion and the girls, so our final decision is not to have offspring!"

The crowd was first stunned and then shouted with anxiety.

"What? How can this be?"

"Wait, leader you're making too big a sacrifice like this!"

In this era of turmoil and chaos, many people's lives are probably the experience of birth, growth, inheritance, old age and death; even men like Roger, the Pirate King, also chose to be scum before death so that their offspring can complete their unfinished dreams.

It shows that in this world, legacy is almost an indispensable part of every person.

When they saw Longinus make such a major sacrifice, it will be grief and guilt.

Longinus, on the other hand, shook his head, "This is my personal matter, so you guys don't have to say much!"

For him, who has infinite life, the significance of offspring is not very big.

Besides, doesn't it smell good to live a good life with Gion and the girls?

If you want to have offspring, it might be an embarrassing situation of "parents are true love, children are accidents".

Of course, others do not think so; they think that this is the great leader for the world's sake to make a huge sacrifice!

Dragon would say something, but when he saw those fierce eyes could only shake his head helplessly, he lost and lost very completely!


Half a month later, Longinus sat in his room looking through the newspapers on his desk.

"The United Government is officially established! All the people have finally stood up!"

"Long live the Great Leader!"

"Let's offer our best wishes to the Great Leader for the wedding of the century!"

"Where is the end of our journey? The Ocean of Stars!"

Longinus smiled faintly, his gaze unconsciously drifted to the sky, "Twenty-four years, have finally completed the small goal of unifying the world, it seems that it is time to set a medium goal ... for example, to rule this space of stars as far as my eyes can see!"

When thinking in this way, the room suddenly sounded a voice that was also angry and happy.

"Why are you still in the room? Hurry out ah!"

"Hehehe, those who don't know will think that you, the Great Leader, are going to run away from the marriage?"

Longinus stood up, turned his head to look at Gion, Hina, Hiyori and Hancock standing in the doorway, full of apologies, "Of course not, but I'm just sorry for you guys!"

"Hmph, now that you know you're aggravating us, you have to be nice to us in the future!" Gion raised her little fist.

"Hina is not aggravated at all, only happy!" Hina said, smiling like a flower.

"Hehehe, the battle was a great success!" Hiyori, for her part, smiled and puffed out her chest.

"Mmmmmm, I ... am so happy that I'm about to faint!" Hancock blushed, flushed and bit her lips.

"Then I'll ..."

"Stop talking and go quickly!"

Longinus shook his head with a smile and walked up, "This is coming."

(End of the whole book)

Published in Qidian, January 18, 2020