The Man Called "God"

In the large conference room that was temporarily set up along the side of the ninja alliance headquarters;

"Why would Raikage-sama suddenly summon us back, although the situation is currently in our favor, it shouldn't be enough to relax yet, right?"

"Yes, although it was a fluke to defeat a few of the first generation of Kage-sama, but who knows how many of the first generation of Kage they actually resurrected!"

"Unlike the last Five Kage meeting, this time not only the shadows and escorts, even we were asked to attend, it's really strange!"

In the meeting room, the top ninja of each village and certain special battle force are sitting together; after a day of the great battle, they have no longer the kind of sword-armed atmosphere at the beginning, many people even crossed ears together and whispered, with amazing eyes to look at the head.

The cough of the Raikage, gaze around a circle, face gloomy, said: "This time to gather everyone back, is a very important thing to say."

Tsuchikage, with unhappiness, said, "No matter how important it is, it should wait until after the end of the Shinobi War, right?"

Gaara clasped his hands, both elbows on the table, "Although I do not think it is the time to stop the war, but still patiently listen to it, I think Raikage should have his own ideas."

Raikage coldly snorted, " To defeat a few of the previous generation of Kage, make you arrogant? Don't forget, our real enemy has not yet appeared!"

Tsuchikage asked in a low voice, "What do you want to say?"

"When it comes to the terrible nature of that man, no one here should know better than you -" Raikage looked straight at him, "Onoki?"

"Uchiha?" Tsuchikage's face darkened, obviously having certain bad memories, "He is indeed very strong and powerful, even too powerful to describe in words, but you should not forget, how much strength can he retain even if he is still alive now?"

Hearing this, the crowd could not help but nod slightly.

Although they have not seen an Uchiha Madara, only from the written records can know, the man is decisive, will be playing intrigue like now, mostly because of the damage's strength. This point "Uchiha Madara" also confessed in the last meeting of the five shadows.

Raikage looks gloomy, "If the enemy is the Uchiha Madara, no matter how much attention is not too much! And, aging and serious injuries may soon not be his limitations!"

Tsunade's face changed slightly, "Raikage-sama, what do you mean by that?"

"What I'm going to say next is an S-rank top secret document!" Raikage said in a deep voice, "In fact, before the start of this Shinobi War, one of our Kumo teams suddenly disappeared, but just yesterday, they suddenly came back and brought back an incomparable and shocking news!"

Terumi Mei, on the other hand, had a smile on her lips, "Even you, Raikage-sama, decided that it was very shocking, so I guess that this news must have shocked us to the core!"

Raikage did not pay attention to her, but said in a deep voice, "They claim to have returned from the other world, you heard correctly, not the Mount Myōboku and Shikkotsu Forest type of other time and space, but nearly the same as our world, completely suitable for human habitation of the real another world!

After he made this shocking statement, the meeting was first silent and then clamoured and clamoured.

"What? How is such a thing possible?"

"As incredible as it sounds, when you think about it, it's true that we wouldn't necessarily be the only owners of this world."

"Shikamaru, how would an extra world affect us, huh?" The teenager with six whiskers textured on his face asked, poking his elbow at someone on the side.

"The most immediate and most likely effect would be--" Shikamaru also shot up at the startling news, his eyes staring intently, "War!"

"How is that possible? We obviously don't have any interactions with that world!" Naruto couldn't help but exclaim.

"No, there is now!" Shikamaru said with intent.

Naruto still couldn't accept it, "Couldn't it be a friendly exchange between the two worlds?"

"I'm only talking about the most likely scenario, but-" Shikamaru said and shook his head gently, "Even those of us who are in the same world can't make peace, so who is to ask that the two worlds between theme would be peace?"

"No, peace will definitely come!" Thinking of what the other side said to him when he sealed Nagato this morning, Naruto said with incomparable determination.

Amid such a clamour, Gaara weighed his words and asked toward Raikage, "What kind of a ... world is that?"

"It was a ..." recalling the description of his subordinates, Raikage's face was a bit odd, "Incredibly weird world!"

"Weird?" Gaara asked in disbelief.

"I heard that more than ninety-five percent of that world is surrounded by the ocean, everywhere is the height of three meters four meters of monsters, the most bizarre is that that world has not erupted in war for a hundred years!"

"What? Is it a place like Kiri?"

"That kind of height ... is it the land of giants?"

Amidst such exclaims, Naruto's voice seemed particularly intense, "No war? What kind of a world is that in the end? Could it be that true peace has been achieved in that world?"

Raikage gave him a look and said lightly, "That's not the point, the point is, the humans of that world invented a potion, a potion that increased their theoretical life span from one hundred years to three hundred years!"

Naruto still wanted to argue something but was held down by Shikamaru.

Because, the meeting room was already flooded with all kinds of heated voices.

"There's actually this miracle potion!"

"We must grab it, we must get that technology!"

Amid such frenzied calls, Gaara, however, shook his head, "What's the use of that? For us ninja, how many of us are able to live to be a hundred years old?"

Hearing him say this, the frenzied crowd also calm down.

Indeed, for the ninja, a precarious profession, it is doubtful whether they can live to the next day, let alone a period as distant as three hundred years.

Raikage gave him a look and said, "You think I don't know such a simple truth? The reason why wars keep breaking out between the Major Shinobi Villages is because of the strife over resources and interests, and now, this problem can be solved!"

Onoki eyes shining, "You want to start a war against that world?"

Raikage nodded heavily, "This is the obvious thing, as long as the conflict is shifted out, won't our long-awaited peace come?"

On the other hand, Tsunade frowned, "Don't forget, the war between us and the Uchiha is not over yet! In this situation, where can we afford to start a war with another world again!"

"It is because this war is not over that we need to find a way back in advance!" Raikage looked at Tsunade and said, "As for the power of that world you have absolutely no need to worry, according to the information I got, there are only two or three hundred ninja in that world, and most of them are only proficient in single-system ninjutsu, and even have such weaknesses as fear of seawater. Heh, a world that has been peaceful for a hundred years has forgotten even the fear of war!"

"A world with only two or three hundred ninjas? That's too weak!"

"That's right, even if one tenth of these two or three hundred people are top ninja, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Hearing what Raikage said, those who were worried about the two-front battle showed a relaxed smile.

On the other hand, Naruto was in disbelief, "Destroying others' peace to build your own, is this peace? No, this isn't peace at all!"

Terumi Mei suddenly asked, "Raikage-sama, is there something else you forgot to say, you haven't told us why you said that Uchiha's aging and serious injuries won't be a problem soon?"

Raikage took a deep breath and said, "Because, that world has the dream-like ability to bring the dead back to life perfectly, and even, to gain immortality! And this, is why I insist on waging war against that world, no matter what, absolutely can not let this terrible ability fall into the hands of the Uchiha!"

"What? There is actually this available ... who is there!" Tsunade said and suddenly punched towards the corner behind her.


The ground trembled, and something blew the room wall out of a huge gap.

At the same time, some white spores floating towards the outside, "It seems to have heard the unimaginable news it!"

"Not good, it's the White Zetsu!"

"Quickly chase, we must not let him pass the news back!"

"There's no need to chase!" Raikage said with an ugly face, "The various bodies of that monster are able to pass messages to each other, it's already too late now!"

"Damn, it's surprisingly the same as the last Five Shadows meeting again!"

"How did they know the news, obviously this time the decision was made on the fly!"

The crowd said with remorse; they couldn't help but get a chill down their backs when they thought of an ambitious man like Uchiha if he could also have unlimited life.

"There is no time to regret." Raikage said in a deep voice, "Now grab the action and move the battlefield!"


After the others had left, Raikage looked at Onoki with a gloomy face, "I don't have a part to play next, do I?"

Onoki smiled, " The performance of Raikage-sama is amazing."

Raikage's face was still unpleasant, "Why do I have to say it when it's clearly your proposal?"

Gaara took over the topic, "Perhaps because, the proposal that you said, Raikage-sama, is not so easy to make people suspicious!"

The corners of the Raikage's mouth twitched, "Bastard, I'm just straightforward, not stupid!"

Gaara, on the other hand, remembered someone very similar to the Raikage in this regard and smiled slightly, "Of course we know that, but it's everyone's inherent impression, and it's hard not to make more of an association if it's said by Tsuchikage-sama."

"You brat, is this a way of saying I'm sinister?" Onoki said with a brown beard and a glare.

"Okay, let's all calm down." Tsunade stepped up to the plate and then asked, "Is this really going to work?"

Onoki shook his head, "Who knows, but we don't have any more options."

For his part, Gaara nodded, "According to the information, when they went in, that entrance could only accommodate one person to pass through, but now, that time passage has expanded to the size of a playground, if this continues, sooner or later, the other world and Uchiha Madara will find out, instead of being forced to make a decision, it's better to take the initiative in our hands from the beginning! "

Mei asked again, "but what if Uchiha Madara did not distract attention?"

Raikage frowned and said, "Then we'll use intelligence gathering as a reason to drop Bee and Naruto-chan into that world, a completely foreign world, just so we can protect them both as well."

"I have one last question." Mei gave him a deep look, "And what if, indeed, Uchiha Madara gets the ability to live forever?"

In turn, Raikage exhaled deeply, "In fact, in those facts just said, there is a part that I did not say in full, before that world is pushed forward a hundred years, it is also said to be a long eight hundred years of chaos!"

"Eight hundred years!" Several people secretly staggered; it is hard to say whether their world's history has eight hundred years.

"And that 800-year-long chaotic world was pacified by a man, that man is what I am talking to you about, the man who died once but came back to life and has the ability to live forever, and he ... is also called 'God' by that world! '!"