Longinus: About the Difficulty of Breaking the Moon ......

"Is this the ocean? It's spectacular!" Naruto lay in front of the window, looking at the endless ocean, and couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

"Compared to the sea here, the sea outside of Kiri is just about the same as a lake!" Killer Bee then exclaimed in the former world's language.

"It's not just the sea, even the people here are all looking like monsters!" Looking around, Naruto, for the first time, had the illusion that he was physically disabled.

When looking around, very few people on this train were less than two meters tall, and at six-foot-six like him, he was indeed no different from a disabled person, so much so that people kept giving him strange looks after he got on the train.

"Are all humans in this world raised on hormones? I just saw a giant of that size more than ten meters high, and from the reaction of the people next to me, that size of giant is not even estimated to be much rare!" Killer Bee is also helpless, his size in the ninja world is considered tall, but in this world, it is surprising that even the average standard can not reach.

"Our height is too striking, after getting off the train, we better use transformation techniques to become taller ..." Naruto said, the train body suddenly shaking violently, "hmm? What's going on?"

"No good, it's a tsunami!" Killer Bee faces a gloomy look out the window.

Naruto was startled and followed Killer Bee's line of sight to look out the window.

The precious stone blue seawater tumbled into the sky as if the entire sky had collapsed.

Even without experiencing a tsunami, just from this scene in front of him, Naruto can understand the power of such a disaster.

"Prepare to escape." Killer Bee said in a deep voice.

"No, I want to save the people!"

"They are the enemy!"

"I would have disagreed with the kind of approach of Raikage-sama, against an enemy like Uchiha Madara, it is only right to bring together all the forces that can be drawn together, just like our five major Shinobi villages, isn't it in this case that we have united together? Even people like us who are filled with hatred for each other can come together, why should we push the power of the world to begin with ..."

"Excuse me, can you two be a little quieter?" Besides the two of them, a man holding up a large snail couldn't help but interrupt.

"Huh? Sorry ..." Naruto first apologized in a half-baked otherworldly language but quickly responded, "Wait, it's a tsunami! Why can you be so calm?"

The man gave him a look with a caring retard, "Even people from those small planets at least know some common sense, what is there to be afraid of such things? Don't interrupt me from taking pictures of the amazing moments later!"

Naruto then realized that no one in the carriage was scared but instead held a large snail in his hand, excitedly aimed at the tsunami outside the window, seemingly waiting for something.

"It appeared, it appeared!"

"It's our patron god of this sea, Chitaos-sama!"

Listening to the cheers of these people, Naruto instinctively looked out the window, and then, his pupils contracted violently, his breathing stuttered, and his heart almost stopped for a moment.

What did he see?

A monster of incalculable size leaping up from the sea, and then, surprisingly, using its incomparably huge body to put out the tsunami outright!

Naruto had envisioned many ways to stop the tsunami but never thought that the last to stop the tsunami was this simple and brutal method!

Until the train arrived at the station, neither of them had recovered from the previous shock. As they walked around the island in a daze, Naruto subconsciously asked, "Uncle Bee, I don't think that giant island turtle of yours in the clouds is as big as that monster just now, is it?"

"Well, no."

Naruto paused and added, "I heard that they seem to have a lot of these trains, if every train is guarded by such a monster ..."

Killer Bee took over, "Which means that the number of those kinds of monsters just now would probably be a very frightening number!"

"I suddenly feel that this world is likely not as weak as Raikage-sama said!"

"A weak world wouldn't be able to drive that kind of giant beast!"

The two walked aimlessly and subconsciously came to a building.

"It's so tall and big! It's so spectacular!" Standing outside the gate, Naruto said as he looked up at the sky.

But before he could continue to sigh, he heard someone behind him urging:

"Hey! You two are still going! Don't stand here blocking the way!"

"You're from a small planet like that, you've never seen the world."

"Sorry, we're going in." Naruto apologized in half-baked language while pulling an equally shocked Bee into the building.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that the building in front of him, which was a hundred times more majestic than the Naruto building, was just a shopping mall!

Especially the mall is full of those "supplies", but also let them two some confusion.

Because, the supplies in this mall are almost enough to support a war in their world!

"I suddenly understand why Big Brother wants to start a war against this world!" After calming down his inner shock, Killer Bee couldn't help humming again, "Dangerous world, rich world, Yeah??! What exactly will be waiting for us???"

Naruto was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "I understand that Raikage-sama said he wanted us both to spy on information, but more than that, he really just wanted to hide us in this world."

Killer Bee stopped rap, "But you didn't refuse this time."

Naruto nodded, "Because, this world is different from Turtle Island, where I can contribute to the war as well!"

Killer Bee asked, "You want to ask this world for help?"

Naruto nodded slightly, "On the one hand, I am planning to learn the advanced experience of this world, on the other hand, I do not want to see this peaceful and beautiful world drowned by the war. If our world is defeated, Uchiha Madara will sooner or later set their eyes on this world, and by helping us, they are also helping themselves!"

At the same time, this scene of the two conversings was also watched by certain people on the other side of the world.

After synchronized translation, the original conversation between the two in the original world language also turned into subtitles that appeared at the bottom of the screen.

"Ahahahaha! What an interesting brat, to plan to come to our aid!" The older man wearing a dog-headed hat laughed loudly.

"According to the memories of those who claim to be Kumo Shinobi, that world of theirs should be a very cruel and cold-blooded world, but I never thought that there would be an alternative like him." The man with the Mohican haircut said in a deep voice.

"It's not enough to rely on the memories of a few people to judge what a world is like." The slouching man pulled away the blindfold covering his eyes.

"You are all too cautious one by one, although it is a foreign world, but such a weak world is not worth caring about at all." Sakazuki said in a cold voice, "There was some kind of upper ninja among those captured last time, in his memory, 'Kage' is the strongest title in that world of theirs, and upper ninja is the title second only to shadow."

"And you guys have seen his strength, although there are some peculiar, you can hit it without pain, his kind of level, I can crush hundreds of them with my hands!"

"That's because you're too strong, Fleet Admiral Akainu!" Drake said somewhat helplessly, "In fact, that ninja is already very powerful, without understanding the situation, those diverse means of his is even enough to cause trouble for some Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral!"

The people in the meeting room nodded slightly, those ninja's attack defence is a little weak, but that ninjutsu just appeared can surprise them.

"Their ninjutsu are indeed amazing, if it wasn't for the Skynet system, we wouldn't have been able to spot those ninjutsu." Saying that, Kuina looked at Hiyori and asked, "Hiyori-san, do the ninjas in your country of Wano have this kind of ability?"

Hiyori shook her head helplessly, "No. Our ninjas in the Wano Country are probably all some fakes!"

Amidst these murmurs, Longinus, who was sitting at the top, remained silent.

He didn't have much to worry about; with his current strength, the only people who could pose some threat to him were those few who had stepped into the Sixth Path realm.

And among those people, no one can endanger his life.

The only thing worth caring about is the world's theoretical sealing technique that can seal even gods!

"Rikudō no Jutsu - Shin: Chibaku Tensei? I've busted asteroids, but I don't think I've tried a satellite of the size of the moon, so I'll just go find a planet similar to the moon and try it out later."

Just when Longinus' gaze drifted to the sky, the light projected in the void suddenly pulsed.

"Urgent information, urgent information, the channel connecting to the other world suddenly flooded with a large number of unknown life forms."

"Heh! Is that weak world planning to take the initiative to attack us?" Sakazuki coldly mocked.

Aokiji but the eyes gaze, "No, this kind of wretched posture they do not look like the invaders should have."

The crowd nodded slightly. Indeed, most of these ninjas were covered in blood, their posture was wretched, and they looked completely defeated.

At the same time, the intelligent brain once again reminded, "According to the translation and analysis of the dialogue of these lifeforms, it can be known that they lost a battle that decided their fate in that world!"

Fujitora was a little surprised, "From the dialogue of those two people just now, the war in their world should have just begun, so short a time to lose the war, it seems that their enemy is indeed more powerful than imagined!"

Kizaru was horrified, "Could it be that Uchiha Madara they are talking about is going to invade our world next? This is really terrifying!"

Longinus' face was slightly odd because Uzumaki Naruto's arrival in their world resulted in the total defeat of that war that they should have won?

"Leader, what are we going to do next?" Dragon, who had been silent, asked.

"After all, they are guests from other worlds, it is better to approach them first and feel out their attitude."

Hearing Longinus say this, Garp brightened up and hurriedly volunteered, "Diplomacy of course, this kind of thing has to be done by someone with weight and prestige, there is no one here more suitable than the old man!"

Longinus was silent for a moment and then said, "Yes, but I will assign another deputy ambassador to you, Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Haha! As long as it's not the stinky face of Sengoku!" Garp said subconsciously.

Longinus' gaze swept over the gloomy face of Sengoku and finally rested on someone who was trimming his nails, "Admiral Kizaru, I'll trouble you and Vice Admiral Garp next!"