A Dangerous Other World

The sky is pale and dark; the ground is scorched and dry as if the whole world has come to an end.

The giant monster with ten tails was rampaging across the dead ground, and beneath it was Uchiha Madara, who had managed to retrieve his eyes and defeat the ninja army!

"Indeed, the Ten Tails with only part of the Eight Tails and Nine Tails Chakra is incomplete!" Uchiha Madara looked up at the stormy Ten-Tails and said in an indifferent tone.

With that, he looked at the five who had fallen at his feet, "What, are you wondering why I didn't go to the other world and take away the chakra of the Eight Tails and Nine Tails first, as you had planned?"

Ignoring the angry gaze of the Raikage, Uchiha Madara said to himself, "That's because you got the order wrong, I didn't have to take away the chakra of the Eight Tails and Nine Tails to defeat you, to me, defeating you was just a matter of passing."

Onoki said grimly, "It is true that we underestimated you, but this war is not yet to the point where we can draw a conclusion!"

"Those remnants who fled to the other world?" Uchiha Madara frowned without showing any traces, "If that Uchiha Sasuke hadn't suddenly burst out, they wouldn't have had the chance to escape before my eyes."

Raikage then provoked, "After all this nonsense, you still don't dare to go to that world, right?"

Uchiha Madara looked at him blandly and kicked Raikage directly away with a light kick, "Of course I will go, but, not now."

Speaking, Uchiha Madara looked to the sky and muttered to himself, "A mere Uchiha Sasuke simply cannot have that kind of strength ... It seems that the depths of the water in this Shinobi world may be a little deeper than I imagined! Before heading to that world, I have to clean up this world first!"


On an island in the Grand Line, there were furious roars of rage from time to time.

"Damn! My attacks are useless, these baboons' flesh is too thick!"

"You're lying, right? Is it even possible to smear wounds with saliva?"

"Use a large jutsu and restrain them!"

"Don't use illusions, these baboons don't have chakra in their bodies!"

After a "fierce" battle, the baboons with swords were eventually restrained, but they were not seriously injured and still looked at the crowd with a vivid fury.

"What kind of joke is that? Obviously a beast without any chakra aura, not even a psychic beast, is actually strong like this, what the hell is going on in this world?" Inuzuka Kiba was a bit frantic; these beasts were much stronger than his ninken Akamaru.

"It's not very polite to ask this, but-" Kakashi looked aside with grave eyes, "Commander Mifune, many of your samurai in the Iron Kingdoms don't necessarily have swordsmanship as strong as these baboons, do they? "

Mifune didn't get angry. Instead, he nodded with a heavy face, "Indeed, these baboons are terribly strong learners, just a moment ago, that baboon king even learned all of my Iaigiri!"

Temari followed suit, "Luckily they don't have chakra in their bodies, seeing these baboons learn to make seals just now really scared me!"

Kurotsuchi then looked to Darui next to him, "Raikage-sama did not say before that the other world is so dangerous, just a small island beasts have this kind of terrifying strength!"

The people in the room are similar thoughts, the promised weak world? Even a group of baboons have almost the top ninja's strength, such a world how to look very dangerous, right?

The world's humans are not too weak to live in such a dangerous world, right?

Seeing that the crowd turned a strange gaze, Darui shrugged lazily, "Sorry, I will explain this to you later, but before that we should take a break. The squad that came to the other world before said that there is an uninhabited castle on this island, so we can go to the castle to rest for a while."

After that big battle, the crowd did not refuse; they are already physically and mentally exhausted, only to suddenly come to the completely strange and dangerous another world, so they are strong spirit to look around.

After arriving at the old castle with a somewhat gloomy tone, the crowd's tense spirit was only slightly relaxed.

However, Kakashi still cautiously asked, "This castle does not look too dusty, is it really uninhabited?"

Darui spread his hands, "Who knows? Maybe those baboons are cleaning it."

Just as Kakashi frowned and wanted to ask something else, Sasuke said impatiently, "How much longer are you going to waste on this nonsense? The seal of the passage will not last too long!"

Hearing Sasuke says this, the crowd slightly relaxed look again, all alert.

"Is Uchiha Madara about to come after us?"

"Damn it, let's fight with him!"

"Even the five shadows are no match for him, how can you fight?"

"Damn it! What the hell are we going to do?"

Just when the morale of the crowd was low, a majestic low voice sounded, "Don't worry, although Uchiha Madara is cold and cruel, he is not a witless person, he will not chase after him until he has found out the bottom of the other world!"

"It's Nidaime-sama!"

"Right! Shodaime-sama is also on our side!"

Hearing that, everyone looked in a certain direction with hope.

However, the man they had high hopes for was poking his head around the castle, and somehow, it gave them a feeling of unreliability.

The man with the ephithet of "Shinobi no Kami" turned his head and laughed, "I'm no match for Madara in the state of Edo Tensei. However, it is true that he will not come over, he is always the kind of quiet man."

He said, he looked at his brother again, "Although Madara did a lot of wrong things, but he is not essentially the kind of person you say."

Nidaime did not even bother to raise his eyelids, said blandly, "Whatever you think is up to you."

He then looked at Sasuke with a sharp eye, "The real thing to care about is you, obviously on the verge of death, why did you suddenly gain that kind of power?"

Not only him, almost everyone has this doubt.

Sasuke's strength is very strong, but it should not be so strong that now ah!

Even Shodaime claimed to be no match for Uchiha Madara, yet he could lead them to escape from Uchiha Madara.

Sasuke said blandly, "I obtained the power of the Rikudo Sennin, to be precise, I obtained the chakra that was left in the world by the Rikudo Sennin."

The crowd was shocked by Sasuke's forced evasion, the Rikudo Sennin, the legendary person who started the Shinobi Clan!

Especially after Uchiha Madara showed the Rikudo Sennin domain's power, they increasingly understood the power of the Rikudo Sennin.

"You have obtained the power of the Rikudo Sennin, can't you still defeat the Uchiha?" A green one with a pinch of cusp on top of his head asked.

"Although only incomplete ten tails, but he can now also be said to be the Rikudo Sennin! And I, too, have only obtained a part of the power of the Rikudo Sennin, and can take you away, all because he did not expect me to obtain this power." Sasuke glanced at him and said indifferently.

Seeing that even Sasuke, who had obtained the power of the Rikudo Sennin, claimed to be no match for Uchiha Madara, the crowd once again despaired.

"Actually, it's not completely out of the question." At this point, Sasuke said again in a light tone that made people want to beat him up.

"What solution?" The crowd asked hurriedly.

"Find Naruto!" Sasuke looked complicated, "The other part of the power of the Rokudo Sennin belongs to him, and only if I join forces with him can we defeat Uchiha Madara!"

"Great, just find Naruto and you're done?"

"Naruto and the others have only been in this world for two days, they should not be far away!"

When everyone was cheering, Nidaime asked with a slight frown, "But even if we find Naruto, he can only get the power of the Rokudo Sennin if he returns to our world, right? Don't forget, Uchiha Madara may be guarding the passage beyond!"

When Nidaime Hokage poured cold water on them, everyone calmed down again.

To defeat Uchiha Madara, they have to go back to the original world, but if they go back to the original world, they may be killed by Uchiha Madara, which is almost a dead end!

At this time, the Yondaime Hokage, who had been silent at this time, suddenly said, "The chakra I used up after entering this world has not been recovered until now!"

Chakra has not recovered ... everyone was horrified; they did not pay attention to this problem at first because their chakra recovery speed is not fast; chakra would not be possible to recover in such a short time.

But the Yondaime Hokage is different; he is the Edo Tensei. Theoretically, chakra should be unlimited to exhausted chakra and be replenished in the shortest possible time!

At these words, the Shodaime, Nidaime, and Sandaime Hokage also looked grave and said, "Our chakra has not recovered either."

Seeing this, the crowd again turned their attention to Darui.

This time, Darui was shaking his head and said, "That squad of ours did not have this kind of problem ..."

Speaking of which, he suddenly changed his expression, "It is the seal, the seal of the two world channels!"

Because of history deviation, Neji, who survived, is puzzled, "Chakra is what we extracted from the cells, what is the relationship with the world channel?"

Sasuke thoughtfully said, "The will of the Rikudo Sennin did say that our world originally did not have chakra, because the mother of the Rikudo Sennin ate the fruit of the Divine Tree, our world had the concept of chakra for the first time."

"What? That's how it is?" The crowd was a bit overwhelmed.

However, Hashirama shook his head and said, "Chakra is the power that is deeply planted in all of us, but the depth of burial is different, and the energy required to dig and refine it is also different, you already have chakra, it will not disappear because of the change of the world."

"And we are different, we are dead, the endless chakra possessed by the Edo Tensei is actually a gift from the world, and this world has no chakra, that's why we have no way to recover our chakra!"

Hearing Shodaime Hokage explain this way, the crowd was relieved, in such a dangerous world, if they lost chakra again, then what awaited them would be an unspeakable danger.

"This is good news, even if the channel is open, the concentration of chakra in this world is far less than that of our world, so that it will not be so easy for Uchiha Madara to use the ninja brought out by the Edo Tensei to pry information about this world!" Nidaime nodded slightly and said.

Orochimaru then licked the corners of his mouth and looked at the next person, "It's just a pity that you paid for it, Itachi-kun!"

Uchiha Itachi shook his head with a bland expression, "I also changed my mind at the beginning because I received information from the other world. Now it seems that not letting them to ascend the soul as originally planned was indeed a wrong move!"

Only after hearing the Uchiha Itachi mention the other world did Sakura take her eyes off someone, "Kakashi-sensei, what should our attitude towards this world be? Should we really wage war on this world like Raikage-sama said?"

"Raikage-sama doesn't actually intend to start a war against this world." Kakashi shook his head and looked at Darui again, and said, "This is a question that should be more appropriately explained by you."