Hawkeye: My House is Gone ......

"What a trouble!" Darui sighed and steeled himself again, "The attitude towards this world is based on friendly communication, which is not only the opinion of Raikage-sama, but also the idea of the remaining four Kage."

Sakura slightly puzzled, "But that's not what Raikage-sama said last time!"

Darui shook his head slightly, "Last time he said that, it was only to confuse Uchiha Baoban."

"So several kage have long discovered the Zetsu!" Many people were suddenly enlightened, but some others were looking thoughtfully at the world outside the castle.

Raikage's aggressive and belligerent is notorious; if this world is as weak as Raikage said initially, they do not believe that Raikage is conveying the same attitude as now.

When coupled with the group of baboons' performance just now, there was no way to keep them from having some bad association.

"Inoichi-san, next, I'll trouble you to transmit my understanding of the foreign world's language to everyone using the art of telepathy."

"No problem."

With that, Yamanaka Inoichi had everyone sit down on their knees to facilitate his technique.

It made it so that when someone came home, they saw a picture that resembled a cult's brainwashing.

"What are these people up to?" He was not a good-tempered man, and the sight of the battered baboons on the island had already upset him, and the fact that these "bandits" were living openly in his castle made his face even more gloomy.

While Hawkeye was upset, the people inside the castle, of course, also noticed the arrival of the other side. However, only one person, but the other side's sharp eyes and the striking cross on the back of the large knife, indicate that this person is not simple.

"What a sharp eye like a hawk!" Nidaime Hokage's face is heavy; such an almost materialized aura he has only experienced in the body of the old brother and the spot but did not expect that a random person can have this after coming to this world kind of aura.

"That cross behind him should be the sword, right ..." Kakashi then associates, "it seems to be the same as Zabuza' Kubikiribōchō, no ... is more terrifying than Kubikiribōchō!"

"Hello there, this friend." Darui greeted in a raw, foreign world language.

"Friend? It's really rare to see a friend who has injured someone's pet and then seized his home!" Hawkeye mocked as he wrapped his arms around him.

Hearing Hawkeye's words, Kakashi and the others' pupils were subconsciously contracted. From this man's words, it was not difficult to conclude that the pets he talked about should be those baboons.

Even the pets have that kind of strength; it's hard to imagine how strong this man's strength will be!

"Haha! This is actually a misunderstanding!" Namikaze Minato laughs and comes out to round up the situation.

Hawkeye frowned at the other side, not because he lost an arm like his best friend, but the other side's aura is very strange; he cannot perceive the breath of a living person at all by Kenbunshoku Haki.

This discovery makes Hawkeye increasingly curious about these people, "Whether it is a misunderstanding, is not up to you!"

On the other hand, Sasuke was bland-eyed, "Since we can't talk about it, just arrest him, just to get some information from his mouth."

Just as the two sides' atmosphere became more and more anxious, a low cry suddenly came from outside the castle.

"Jiton - Sakin Taisō!"

The entire castle collapsed and turned into crazy sands again and started to squeeze from outside to inside with an explosive sound.

"No good, it's the Yondaime Kazekage's Sakin Taisō!"

"It's the army of the Edo Tensei coming after us!"

Kakashi and the others suddenly changed their faces, and they didn't have time to care about the "Baboon King's" thoughts; they all used their jutsu to resist this sudden attack.

"I have to trouble you to seal us again!"

"It's a strange experience to be fighting in a different world this time!"

"Interesting, let me spread the idea of art to this world as well!"

This time, the Edo Tensei forces were stronger and more frightening, but the crowd did not have much fear because the power they gathered this time was not comparable to the last time either.

"It's embarrassing to bring war to another world!" Shodaime Hokage sighed.

"Therefore, let's end this meaningless struggle as soon as possible!" Nidaime Hokage said in a cold voice.

As he spoke, various powerful jutsu flew around.

Standing in the middle of the battlefield that had turned into ruins, Hawkeye's face was so gloomy that it seemed to drip out of water.

Previously those people still only injured his pets, and now these idiots directly knocked his home away!

Although somewhat curious about these people's ability, Hawkeye did not ask questions but indifferently held the black sword Yoru behind him in his hands.

After that, he chopped it down toward the body with a single slash.

Space fluctuates like disturbed water, then thousands of huge chopping meters to destroy the momentum towards the front.

Kakashi, who had been watching Hawkeye's movements, almost choked on his saliva; what is going on in this world? How could pure physical strength do such a thing?

But he did not have time to continue to be shocked, almost at the same time as the chop appeared instinctively shouted, "Dodge!"

This thousand meter-sized chopping attack nearly covered the entire battlefield.

"What's going on?" Rasa looked in shock at the direction the chopper was flying from; that samurai they had ignored had such great strength!

"This kind of attack, I'm afraid even I can not defend!" The "strongest shield" of Sandaime Raikage muttered.

"Kuchiyose: Gojū Rashōmon!" Shodaime Hokage almost instantly completed the formation of seals, pressed his hands on the ground, but only after he had done all this suddenly remembered a problem, "Wait, my spiritual technique is useful in this other world, ah?"

Luckily, after he opened the world's passage, the Rashomon answered his summons, and the next moment, five huge hellish doorways appeared in front of the decapitation.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Symbolizing the boundary between life and death, Rashomon signified that he could not cross it broke instantly. After slightly changing the orbit of the chopping blow, the five Rashomon dissipated completely!

And the chopping blow flew in the direction of the flank with unabated momentum, splitting the whole island in two amidst the terrifying sound of the ground cracking and then cutting the sea with an unhealable wound.

"Five Rashomon are destroyed ..." Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and looked at Mihawk with grey eyes, "This man's swordsmanship can actually hit a chopping blow comparable to the Bijūdama, it's terrifying! "

"Is this the real samurai?" Mifune muttered, "Without the aid of chakra, using sword techniques alone, he was able to cause this level of destruction!"

The whole battlefield lost its voice because of this chop; they just couldn't imagine that a samurai could be this powerful!

Hawkeye, who kept his sword swinging posture, also frowned slightly, and his eyes became incomparably grave when he looked at Hashirama; those strange doors summoned by this man failed to block his chopping attack, but they guarded all those people.

Strong man, absolutely strong ... both sides of the mind is flashing such thoughts!

PS: Return to work, there are a billion points of fear, distracted, really can not think of the plot, this chapter will be shorter.