Not God ......

Garp naturally does not care about the eyes of others after explaining a few words, then laughing and leaping down from the deck.

"Vice Admiral Garp, wait for us ..." perhaps worried about Garp messing up, the adjutant on the warship also hurried to follow.

Seeing this situation, Sakura asked, somewhat confused, "What are we going to do now?"

Shikamaru yawned lazily, "Of course, like he said, go to this city to get a good rest."

Choji rubbed his belly and asked with a look of intent, but a bit tore, "But Tsunade-sama and the girls still don't know what's going on right now? Wouldn't it be better if we did this?"

Shikamaru shrugged and said, "What can be done about that? Don't forget, this isn't our world!"

"They underestimate Uchiha Madara!" Sasuke's face is cold, as one of the inheritors of the will of the Rikudo Sennin, no one here knows better than him the fear of the Ten-Tails, "If we let Uchiha Madara find Naruto before us, what awaits us will be destruction in both worlds!"

Hearing Sasuke says this; the crowd was a little helpless.

Indeed, although these people from other worlds were willing to help find someone, they did not understand the seriousness of the matter and had the leisure to relax at such an urgent moment.

However, they can also understand these other-worldly humans' thoughts, those who have not personally experienced that battle, indeed, can not imagine the fear of that monster.

Kakashi reminded implicitly, "Sasuke, stop it!"

"Did I say something wrong?" Sasuke frowned slightly, "With such a perfunctory attitude, they might as well let us find it ourselves!"

"That's really rude to say!" A bitchy voice came from behind the group, "We take the opinions of our guests very seriously!"

Such a recognizable voice, even if only a few days together, Sasuke and others can hear the person's identity in an instant.

"Heh! You guys don't even understand the fear of the Ten Tails! That's near godlike might!" Sasuke sneered.

"Not just gods, we understand." Kizaru said with a sigh, "The gods on other planets who do not listen, we also tame a lot."

A group of ninjas:"..."

Could it be that in the vocabulary of this world, God has another meaning?

When Kizaru gradually approached with a slow pace, the ninja camp suddenly rushed out to a person, jumped across the sword to chop behind Kizaru.

"Clack" sound, the body of Kizaru, was split in two from the waist.

"Wait, what's going on here?"

"Bastard, which village's ninja is he?"

"Damn, what is this idiot trying to do?"

All of them were shocked by this sudden change of events and lost their concentration for a moment, and then came the endless anger.

From their contact in the past few days, they learned that this monkey-faced man was one of the higher-ups in this world.

Now that the monkey-faced man has died in their ninja's hands, the official forces of this world will not take it lying down.

At this point, Kurotsuchi looked at the ninja who made the sneak attack with some disbelief, "Akatsuchi, why are you ... not right, you are not Akatsuchi! You are the White Zetsu's doppelganger?"

"What White Zetsu, Black Zetsu?" "Akazuki" first frowned, then sneered, "just now that scene has been recorded by me to spread to the world, you can no longer join them!"

"Damn it! Do you bastard know what you've done?"

"Idiot, I'm saving you guys, otherwise, you'll know what it means to regret when your country and race are annexed!"

After hearing him say this, many people's faces changed slightly. Could it be that the invitation from these other-worldly humans was a trap?

However, they were not so bad about changing their position just because of a few words from a stranger.

Moreover, several people also noticed that the marines following the monkey-faced man were not half sad, and looking at their faces; they seemed to want to laugh a little.

At this time, one of the marines came out and took off his hat and asked, "By the sound of your voice, you are Cannis, right?"

Under the removed hat, the two pointed ears are quite striking.

As if struck by thunder, "Akatsuchi" turned around incredulously, "Barmond, it's you! How did you end up in their camp?"

Barmond smiled gently, "Of course, because I have joined them."

"You damned traitor! Have you forgotten that we all swore our allegiance to the Empire?"

"What foolish and backward thinking! People as narrow-minded as you are, even the world they see is narrow-minded!"

"You ..." Cannis was first furious but quickly calmed down, "Hmph! I will prove your choice is wrong, killing Kizaru is only the beginning!"

"Speaking of which, this appearance of yours should be Mane Mane no Mi ability, right?" Barmond sneered, "Since you've learned to accept new things, why not try to learn more about the world ... For example, the fruit ability of Admiral Kizaru!"

"Isn't it just a Logia fruit? You think I don't know? The chopping attack just now I have used Busosh... " Cannis self-congratulatory voice abruptly stopped, his pupils contracted, sceptical look at Kizaru severed body together again, "How is it possible? I thought that Busoshoku Haki is the nemesis of the Logia fruit?"

"Oops, really close to a billion points to be killed it!" Kizaru patted his chest with a face of "fear" said.

"Damn, I obviously so hard to master Busoshoku Haki ..." Cannis teeth clenched; since the plan failed, the probability is that he will not be able to leave alive.

Thinking of this, Cannis holding a long knife in his hand in an extremely violent posture towards the yellow ape and keep slashing, "even if it is death, I want you to pay the price!"

However, his swing was of no avail, and Kizaru just stood there motionless, his decapitated body healing again and again.

Cannis cried out frantically, "Impossible, why is this happening?"

Barmond shook his head in silence, "Who told you that Busoshoku Haki is the nemesis of Logia? Haki just allows you to reach the entity of the ability user. Your level of Haki is not even enough to give a massage to Admiral Kizaru!"

In the end, it seems to be tired of Cannis endless chopping, Kizaru pointed out a finger, and laser light cannon instantly penetrated the other side of the chest.

"I'm really sorry, did not scare you, right?" Kizaru asked without half apologizing to look around the ninja.

"... certainly not." Having said that, the expressions on the faces of all the people were again quite heavy.

Because they found a fact from the battle just now, this monkey-faced man is actually without physical - if they want to fight, how will they be able to attack each other's bodies?

No way, just now, the man said there is no way to prevent them from some bad association; to be safe, they also had to simulate the battle trend in their hearts.

"Rear Admiral Barmond, this person is after all your former colleagues, the next few things, you are better off not involved." Kizaru rubbed his chin and said, "Let's do this, you take these guests to have a good visit to the city well."



Walking through the streets of the Town of the Spring Queen, the crowd admired the somewhat overly beautiful city while unable to stop casting curious gazes toward their guide.

Finally, Sakura couldn't help but ask, "I thought this world had achieved true peace?"

Barmond's chest rose slightly, "Of course, it's a perfect world!"

"But those ..." Sakura asked, weighing her words, "rebels just now, what are they about?"

"Just some fools who want to break the peace!" Barmond scoffed at this, "Their existence does not rise to the level of peace, at best, it can only be considered a problem with maritime security."

"Is that really the case?" Pipisuke asked with narrowed eyes, "The implication in that man's words just now should be that your country has been annexed, right?"

Hearing Sasuke pick things out directly, the crowd was a little nervous that this Rear Admiral would suddenly lash out.

However, the picture they imagined did not appear.

Barmond just snorted, "Annexation? That's just his wishful thinking, in fact, it was the people on that planet of ours who took the initiative to overthrow the Empire and applied to join the government."

"What? It was you who took the initiative to apply to join the United Government?" Sakura and the others asked with some disbelief.

"Is it hard to understand? This world has all the good factors, magnificent, majestic, equal, free, compared to the empire I used to be in, this is simply heaven!" Barmond took a deep breath as if he was sniffing the fragrance of heaven.

Kakashi, however, looked at him deeply, "No, judging from the reaction of that rebel, you should have been one of them before, right? What is it, exactly, that has changed you so much?"

"That's right, I did start out as narrow-minded as Cannis, until ..." said Barmond, not angry. Still, in a tone of unbridled enthusiasm, "I met the man who was too powerful, too profound, too Great, it was he who told us the meaning of liberation, it was he who brought equality and freedom, it was he who made us experience power and affluence, he is the truth of the world, the meaning of all existence!"