Barmond: Terror like this ......

Seeing this fanatical look of Barmond, Sakura, and the others were incredulous in their hearts, judging from what happened before, he should not be a native of this world.

An outsider would have such a strong sense of belonging to this world, would have such strong feelings of admiration for someone in this world; it is confusing.

Kakashi's gaze flickered slightly and asked in a deep voice, "Who is this person you speak of?"

"He is the dawn that cuts through the darkness, the master who creates order, the guardian god of all races, the savior who saves the world - the great Longinus!" Barmond shouted fervently.

Sure enough, it was him ... Kakashi stared; he had heard this name too many times on the warship, but the warship was crowded; he was worried that showing too much enthusiasm would attract attention before asking more questions.

And now, apparently, is the best time to ask for information. Barmond, after all, is not the original inhabitants of this world, plus what just happened on the warship, the next period is likely to be ostracized from the core layer.

Moreover, it couldn't be easier to pry information out of such fanatics, follow the conversation and keep unfolding down the line.

"This is really amazing ..." just as Kakashi deliberate phrase ready to boast, but heard Sasuke coldly said, "too flashy words will only highlight his incompetence, the real hero, should be walking in the darkness The real hero should be walking in the darkness, not that disgusting politician."

He would say this, naturally, is associated with the skunk and the matter of Kiba.

Damn ... Kakashi said badly and was about to remedy the situation when he found countless eyes filled with anger coming from all directions.

Barmond's frenzied shouting had already attracted a lot of attention, and after hearing Sasuke's comment, the surrounding crowd rioted even more directly.

"Damned scum, how dare you disrespect the great leader!"

"Damn, the leader is the person I respect and admire the most!"

"I thought those stinky scum green only existed on the internet, but I never thought I could see it in reality!"

"How many years have passed and already someone has forgotten the glory of the Great Leader?"

"Catch them and take them to jail!"

All of a sudden, countless flying stones came overwhelmingly, and all of them swarmed together, giving Sakura and the others the feeling as if they were making an enemy of the entire world.

Even Kakashi, who had been through several wars, was palpitated by such a terrifying formation.

"Not good, run!"

They are very clear about their position. Naturally, people will not take the head iron at this time; after using the substitution technique, they quickly fled.

In a small alley;

"Whew! Finally ran out!" Sakura and the others breathed a long sigh of relief, with a sense of shock; this experience of being chased was too bad.

But when they calmed down, they couldn't help but look at Barmond in horror. Although they hadn't said much earlier, they had similar thoughts in their hearts as Sasuke, feeling that the other party had overblown it, so much so that they all had an inexplicable sense of shame.

But what just happened is that they have to look at the words of Barmond again.

Perhaps, he did not exaggerate because only this can explain the reaction of that group.

But they still couldn't imagine what kind of personality could make those ordinary people defending against all odds.

Even Shodaime-sama can't have this kind of reputation, right?

Barmond, who was full of cold, saw the unbelievable expressions on these people's faces across the table and felt a secret pleasure in his heart, and his previous anger gradually disappeared.

Coughing lightly, Barmond said slightly reserved, "Longinus-sama once said that the higher you fly, the smaller you are in the eyes of those who cannot fly, like you ordinary people, it is normal not to understand the greatness of Longinus-sama."

Holding the idea of amenity, Barmond continued, "The life of Longinus-sama is a life full of miracles and legends, he once suppressed the riots in the Great Prison at the age of fourteen by himself ..."

However, the opposite crowd is all calm, like hearing a very normal thing, which makes Barmond somewhat uncomfortable and can't help but aggravate the voice to emphasize, "That is when Longinus-sama is only fourteen years old ..."

For five or six-year-old ninja who can go to battle, fourteen years old is already considered a young man of great age, although also within the boundaries of genius, but to make them feel shocked unless you take a fraction is almost.

Therefore, Kakashi and others have calm expressions.

Sasuke, on the other hand, couldn't help but grimace again and said, "My brother became an S-rank renegade ninja in the Shinobi world at the age of thirteen!"

Barmond is a little confused, he does not quite understand what S-class renegade ninja means, but it does not sound like any good words, right?

After settling down, Barmond asked, "What did your brother do when he was thirteen?"

Sasuke was about to speak but suddenly got stuck, while the straight-talking Inuzuka Kiba said straight away, "When his brother was thirteen, he alone wiped out the Uchiha clan, the strongest clan in the Shinobi world at the time!"

"Hiss! What a horrible ..." Barmond was about to suck in a cold breath and contribute to the issue of world warming when he suddenly remembered a question, "Wait, you seem to be called Uchiha Sasuke, right? Is there a connection with that Uchiha clan ...?"

Kiba was ready to answer again but was pulled back by Ino.

Sasuke's face changed for a while, and half of the time, he stifled four words, "... is my family!"

Barmond looked at Uchiha Sasuke in shock for a long time before holding out a sentence, "I admit, your brother is stronger than Longinus-sama ... No, you who can say this thing is the strongest!"

The corners of the crowd's mouth twitched wildly, want to spit, but do not know where to start.

Seeing the atmosphere suddenly awkward, Kakashi hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Ahem, that ... you can continue to talk about that Longinus-sama's deeds."

"Of course, Longinus-sama he ..." Barmond first a burst of excitement, but the thought of what just happened and a kind of tasteless feeling, "alas, I do not know where to start, so, you guys come with me. "

With that, Barmond went outside, Sakura and others looked at each other, and quickly followed after changing their appearance with the transformation technique.

Along the way, they could hear the yelling and crying of those people everywhere.

Surprisingly, they have not yet given up ... Sakura and other people look at each other, in the heart lamented that Longinus-sama of immense prestige at the same time, but also somewhat vain to the line of sight to the ground.

Not long after, the crowd came to a huge building.

"What is this?" Kakashi asked.

"This is the Saint Poplar Revolution Memorial." Barmond said in a heavy tone as he walked inside, "Don't let all this prosperity blind you to the fact that until a hundred years ago, the world was still shrouded in a dark haze."

Inuzuka Kiba and the others were a little unimpressed until they saw the "people" with the fishbowl on their heads projected by the large snails.

"Scum! Rubbish!"

"It's disgusting!"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly have the urge to kill someone!"

Perhaps it's the Celestial Dragons' talent that can make a strong-minded ninja feel the urge to kill in just a few minutes!

"Is just a few minutes too much for you to bear? This world has been under their dark rule for eight hundred years!"

Surprisingly, it was eight hundred years ... The crowd was a bit shocked; this period is too long for Konoha, which is only a few decades old!

"Why would they be ruled by such people? These people don't really look ..." Ino said, suddenly remembering that they, the powerful ninja, were not also ruled by the daimyo?

Barmond didn't care about Ino's transformation but explained seriously, "That's because, behind these scumbags stands a God, a God who conquered the world from nine hundred years ago and continued her rule until a hundred years ago!"

"What? Doesn't that mean 'he' lived for eight hundred years?" Inuzuka Kiba couldn't help but ask.

"Eight hundred years of time, even a pig can grow to a sufficiently terrifying level, right?" Sakura looked shocked, while she couldn't help but glance at Ino again.

The crowd was all looking grave, a strong person who conquered the world nine hundred years ago; after eight hundred years, it is difficult to imagine how strong "he" will be.

"God is very strong, extremely strong, so strong that no one dares to resist her, and at this time, Longinus-sama appeared ..." Barmond did not know that Imu is always hidden behind the curtain, but this does not prevent him from combining the images he has seen to start the association, "in the Longinus-sama's call, the people of the world finally united against the tyranny of God, alas, if only I could also live in that great era ..."

The expression of the heart-warming face of Barmond was soon interrupted, and Kakashi asked with grave eyes, "Wait, didn't you say that God is so powerful that no one dares to rebel against 'him'? How can the call of one person in this situation make the whole world respond in droves?"

"Because, Longinus-sama is a hero!" Barmond said with a proud face, "Longinus-sama has been known as a hero since he was fourteen years old, not because of his might, but because of his glory!"

"You must know that it is easy to kill a hundred people, but it is difficult to help a hundred people, and in the life of Lord Longinus, the people who have been helped by him directly are counted in millions, and those who have been helped by him indirectly are even more. That's why Longinus has become the patron god of all the major races with a human identity!"

"And because of this, it is also possible for Longinus-sama to make the whole world to follow despite all odds with a single word. We believe in heroes, and Longinus-sama is the greatest hero!"

Sakura and the others were all shocked; they really couldn't imagine that there was such a great person in this world.

For some reason, thinking of the successive battles in the Shinobi world, thinking of continuing the hatred of killing, they suddenly envied the world if their world can also have such heroes ...

Sasuke is also looking in a trance. Compared with the group of disgusting politicians in Konoha, this kind of leader is an admirable person; if there can be such heroes in Konoha, the things back then must get a better solution ...

Kakashi pressed down his restlessness and asked, "And then what? He defeated God and became the savior?"

The crowd nodded silently, indeed, although such an ending is a bit cheesy, but inferred from the results; there is no doubt that this is the case.

Barmond, however, heaved a lament, "No, the war that decided the fate of the world, the final ending was ... Longinus-sama defeated the god at the cost of his life!"