Kinshiki: Nothing more than that

"What?" The crowd was completely shocked, and this time, instead of explaining anything, Barmond pressed the play button of the image Den Den Mushi.

"This is ..." Before the crowd could follow up, they were shocked by the image projected overhead.

At a glance, countless hideous monsters were roaring in the image, and after taking the island that appeared in the image as a reference for comparison, they even discovered an incomparably terrifying fact - these giant beasts were almost all over 5000 meters in size!

That dog-headed man said it is true ... Sakura and others too late to recover from the shock and saw the island into a fireball falling from the sky.

Inexplicably a white light flashed from the screen, and then the huge island burning with flames disintegrated into countless meteorites falling.

This white light ... Sasuke and Kakashi blood-red pupils in the hooked jade spinning rapidly, revealing a trace of shock.

As for Sakura and others, it is not always a mind to care what white light, the picture of the climactic battle, has made them nervous to breathe out.

After all, the Uchiha Madara just summoned down two meteorites to make the ninja alliance near annihilation, and the number of meteorites that appeared in the picture almost broke a hundred.

Even, this is just the beginning.

Sinking in the bottom of the sea, the mountain range of islands draped in seawater flying up into the sky, the size of the huge island, but much larger than the average meteorite.

The meteorite burning with flames, the island bathed in seawater, this apocalyptic scene made their hearts beat sharply.

Is this the disaster this world once faced ... Although they had not yet seen the true face of the enemy, Sakura and the others had already marked each other and Uchiha Madara as equals in their hearts.

When they secretly worried about the people in the picture, the incomparably strong energy fluctuations burst out from below.

There are violent hurricanes, hot magma, bitter ice, searing pillars of light, all kinds of natural elements are storming, as if the world is in anger.

And amid these chaotic energy fluctuations, there is also splitting of the sky, fist power to shatter the island, and even the dragon's mouth ejected hot breath, like a great cleansing of the sky will be filled with meteorite islands swept away.

"Wait, is that the ... legendary dragon?"

"So strong, it is simply impossible for S-rank fire ninjutsu to achieve this level, right?"

"That person is not the same as Orochimaru, right? The body can become flexible and long!"

"Hiss! Isn't that the monkey-faced man and the dog-headed man? I didn't expect them to be so strong, is this their real strength?"

The crowd shouted in amazement, it's not that there is no one among the Shinobi world who can do this, but there are too few such strong people, nothing like the star-studded group in the picture.

However, their cries of surprise soon disappeared without a trace.

Because those strong people who shone in this melee fell like raindrops, like fragile dolls, being easily kneaded and grasped.

"Such a strong person actually ..."

"What kind of enemy is it?"

The crowd looked complicated, the previous picture has proved the strength of these people, but in front of that "God", it seems to be as weak and powerless as a young child.

Finally, the picture rested on the body of a beautiful woman, with long sea-blue hair cascading down like a waterfall, dark pupils as deep as the sea, just hovering quietly in the air, it gave a feeling of awe-inspiring inviolability.

"She is 'God'!" Barmond explained at the right time.

"What? God is also a woman!" Sasuke was a bit stunned; he already knew from the Rikudo Sennin's inheritance that the god of their world was also a woman.

"So strong! Simply incomprehensible powerful!" Kakashi took a deep breath; he could experience the god's power by looking at these images; it was hard to imagine what kind of terrible pressure those people in the images were facing at that time.

As for Sakura, Ino and the others, it completely diverted their attention to other aspects, their eyes glowing as they stared at the god in the images, their mouths watering, "An 800-year-old woman can be so beautiful, how did she do it?"

Just as the crowd's thoughts were drifting a bit, there was an explosion!


It was as if heaven and earth were crumbling, causing the crowd's minds to go blank for a moment, and the world in the picture was trembling violently, and they could feel the shock even after a hundred years.

"This, what the hell is going on here?" Inuzuka Kiba lipped out, holding Akamaru in his arms was already twitching his limbs and foaming at the mouth.

"The world is destroyed?" Choji asked blankly.

"This is the Pluton, a super ancient creation!" Barmond said with a wild gaze.

The storm lasted for a long time, and when the aftermath gradually dissipated, what appeared in front of the crowd was an incomparably gloomy picture.

The sea was dyed red with blood, there were scorched and blackened remnants of corpses everywhere, and the upper part of the Red Line Continent, which stood tall in the distance, had disappeared.

The scene in front of them reminded several people of their world ravaged by the Ten-Tails and left in shambles.

Just when they want to lament a few, the picture once again came out of the "God" voice and the terrifying energy fluctuations.

"What? She's actually not dead yet?"

"Is this the power of a `God'?"

"Her strength has become even stronger! What she showed before is not even her limit!"

Even Kakashi's scalp tingled when he saw "God" explode with even more power than before.

At that moment, Barmond's body trembled and said, "It's Longinus-sama, Longinus-sama is going to strike with all his might!"

Looking at the constant flashing white light on the screen, Choji and others then suddenly realized, "Is it too fast, that's why we didn't notice?"

Saying that, Sakura looked aside and asked, "Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei, who is dominating the battle in the picture now?"

"Not sure, I can only barely catch two figures." Kakashi was silent for a moment and said rather helplessly.

Sasuke did not answer but just stared dead at the picture of the battle; with the support of the left Rinnegan, he could barely capture the trajectory of the battle.

After clashing countless times at speed beyond the limit, the two white lights separated, and a handsome yet majestic and steely tall man appeared in the picture.

Except for Sasuke, this is the first time the crowd saw the legendary man in the picture that Barmond spoke of it!

"So handsome!" Sakura and Ino' eyes glowing, could not help but glance to the side as he spoke.

Compared with Sasuke, the man in the picture has a different kind of charm, that is, experienced the baptism of time, as if they are warm and gentle sunshine, so that people can not help but indulge in the calm temperament.

"It's true, a mature man is more attractive!" Sakura and Ino sighed like a chant.

The corners of Sasuke's mouth twitched slightly; if he remembered correctly, these two nymphomaniacs did not say so before.

Kakashi, for his part, nodded slightly. Indeed, the man in the picture gave a convincing power, the kind of man that, like a natural leader, makes people feel incomparably reliable - and that's what exactly happened.

When the man in the picture began to gather the power of all people, seeing his trembling body and calm eyes, and thinking about what Barmond said before, Kakashi had a vague understanding - this is the same as his teacher, the awareness of sacrificing himself for peace!

When the magnificent aurora borealis projected down, everything in the picture came to an abrupt end.

Although the image ended, the crowd is heavy-hearted, to say, even the jumpiest Sasuke, after witnessing such a shocking image is also doubly shaken.

"That sick world, it should need a hero like him to save!" At this moment, the glint in Sasuke's eyes was surprisingly vaguely similar to the glow in Barmond's eyes.

"Hero, these two words are indeed too heavy!" Perhaps thinking of that teacher of his, Kakashi sighed rather emotionally.

Saying that, he looked at Barmond again, "So that's why the world is taking his name, as the title of the leader of this world, in order to commemorate his merits, right?"

This time, it was Barmond's turn to be puzzled, "Ha? What did you say?"

Kakashi frowned slightly, "Isn't it? I heard that the leader of the United Government is called by that name?"

Barmond nodded rightfully, "Who else but Longinus-sama could be recognized by the world?"

Kakashi's pupils contracted slightly, "Wait, you mean, he didn't die in that battle?"

"No, it is true that Longinus-sama died! But ..." said Barmond with a frenzied expression, "The world can't live without his leadership, so Longinus-sama returned from the death and gained an immortal life!"

"What?" Just as the crowd exclaimed in unison, suddenly, a loud explosion sounded from the outside world.

"Not good, it's the direction of the port!" After noticing the direction of the turmoil, without waiting for the others to ask questions, Barmond hurriedly ran in the direction of the port.

Several people looked at each other, half a long time; Kakashi said, "Come on, let's also follow up to see."

When the crowd had left, the calm space suddenly rippled.

Two humanoid creatures came out, their eyes full of shock.

If Kakashi and the others were more concerned about the man's character in the picture, the two visitors from the other world focused on the incomparable strength shown by the other party.

Especially the final blow, even across countless space and time, can make them tremble from the soul!

"It's really strong and exaggerated!" Urashiki narrowed his eyes in awe, "The speed of this monster, even I couldn't see through it!"

Kinshiki, on the other hand, had a lemon-eating tone, "Hmph! But that's all!"

"Oh? Could it be that you have a way to deal with him, Kinshiki-senpai?" Urashiki said in an exaggerated tone.

Kinshiki was a little short of breath and said forcefully, "We are a God Descendant who controls the ability of space, even if he is faster, he can't travel through space faster than us!"

"Really?" Urashiki laughed, "I do think that we might not be able to transfer space in time to be killed."

Seeing Kinshiki still somewhat indignant, Urashiki poured a pot of cold water and said, "Moreover, this image recorded a hundred years ago, the current him, how strong can not say ah!"

This time, Kinshiki's face completely changed.

They couldn't even beat the opponent a hundred years ago, so it was too unrealistic to hope that the opponent's strength would retreat instead of advance.

Thinking of this, Kinshiki is a little anxious, "Then what to do? Momoshiki-sama is still waiting for us to rescue ah!"

Seeing this situation, Urashiki smile, "No need to be nervous, our enemy is not him, all we have to do is to grab the eight tails and nine tails before those other-worldly humans."

Kinshiki nodded like a chicken pecking rice, obviously has completely lost the main idea.

"And to do that, we may need a little help."

"Help? Is that who we're looking for help from?"

Urashiki narrowed his eyes in the direction of the port, "I've learned some great poetic slang in this world, like - the enemy of my enemy is my friend!"

Kinshiki nodded thoughtfully, "We're enemies with these ninjas, and these ninjas are enemies with that pirate's offspring, so are we going back for help from that pirate's offspring?"

"Cough cough ..." Urashiki nearly choked on his saliva, the corners of his mouth twitched, pressed down his grumpy heart and said, "Kinshiki-senpai is really wise, to think of something that even I have not thought of, however, right now , it' s too late for us It's too late to go back."

Without waiting for Kinshiki to ask questions, Urashiki opened the Yomotsu Hirasaka and walked in.


Saint Poplar port, the terrifying energy fluctuations raging in the sea, faintly escaped from the waves of sword light, outlined the smooth and flat ground into a crisscrossing chessboard.

Tooth asked with some surprise, "What strong fluctuations, who is fighting with that monkey-faced man?"

Kakashi did not answer but spoke out in horror, "Watch out, he's coming our way!"

Sasuke pupils in the hook jade flying rotation, huge armour samurai directly formed, wielding a long sword towards the dark red figure cut.

"I'll stop ..."

However, the dark red figure didn't pause for a moment, and the umbrella pointed out in a flowing manner, piercing at the weakest point where the chakra of Rinnegan meet.

In just an instant, the dark red tip of the umbrella pierced through the armour of the full-bodied Susanoo, and then the powerful force sent Sasuke flying thousands of meters away with a loud boom like a cannonball!

After knocking Sasuke away, the dark red figure did not pause for a moment, his pace was heavy, and the next moment he stepped on the airwaves and disappeared.

"Good, so strong!" Inuzuka Kiba stammered a bit, "I, I think I just saw, that person was actually bring someone else."

Choji nodded, "I saw it too."

Kakashi added, "It is the person who pretended to be Akatsuchi on the warship and attacked that Admiral Kizaru before."

After hearing this, the crowd's eyes were a little dumbfounded.

That is to say, that person took Sasuke in seconds while carrying a man!

Wait, seconds to ... crowd suddenly reacted, "bad, Sasuke!"

Sasuke lies in a giant deep pit; his eyes look at the sky as if a salted fish has lost its dream.

"Sasuke, what's wrong with you, Sasuke?"

"Sasuke, are you okay?"

Listening to the shouts of the people around him, Sasuke was apathetic.

Compared to his physical injuries, he was more heavily traumatized mentally.

It was the worst defeat he had ever suffered after being tamed by Itachi with Tsukuyomi!

He completely incomprehensible, in his perception, that person should be similar to the strength of Hawkeye and monkey-faced man; he has no reason to lose so badly!

At this time, Kizaru also flew over.

"Red-eyed little brother's body does not look like any parts are missing, right? Then I'm relieved."

Sasuke seemed to return to the light, suddenly sat up and stared straight at Kizaru, "Who is that man?"

"He ah ... he should be considered the government's number one enemy at the moment, I think." Kizaru was first stunned, then rubbed his chin and said, "The remnants of the Avengers Alliance, Aloof Red Redfield."

"Redfield!" Sasuke chanted the name and clenched his palms in resignation, "I can't believe I lost so badly!"

"If you are not familiar with the enemy, it's normal to lose to him." Kizaru waved his hand and said, "Aloof Red was born with the ability of hearing the voice of the heart with Kenbunshoku Haki, coupled with foresight of the future, you were seen by him from the beginning!"

"What? Foreseeing the future?"

"That's a lie, right? This kind of thing can be done?"

Hearing the exclaims of these people, Kizaru blinked and asked, "You don't seem to be curious about his ability to listen to the voice of the mind?"

"Is it hard to listen to the heart?" Ino asked as a matter of course.

Kizaru understood this must be the ability given to them by the stuff called chakra again, "It's really enviable!"

Sakura pulled the corners of her mouth and said, "Shouldn't the enviable thing be to foresee the future?"

Sasuke, on the other hand, said with a grave face, "He was able to defeat me by absolutely more than that, his use and understanding of power is much stronger than mine!"

"Redfield is almost two hundred years old, this aspect of combat experience is certainly not you can compare." Kizaru rightfully said.

Two hundred years old ... the corners of Sasuke's eyes jumped wildly, and soon realized another problem, "Wait, then I've been fighting with that dog-headed man for the past few days?"

In these days on the ship, they did not idle, often flying to the surface of the sea to fight a battle.

"Dog-headed man?" Kizaru first a bewildered face, then laughed loudly, "Ha ha! You guys are talking about Vice Admiral Garp, right?"

Sakura and others looked sarcastic, thinking that we also called you a monkey-faced man.

Kizaru squared his face, "In fact, Vice Admiral Garp did not leave his hand ..."

When Sasuke's face was slightly relieved, he heard Kizaru say, "But if it's a life and death struggle, you may end up no better than just now."

Sasuke exhaled a heavy breath; compared with this old bacon which had lived for almost two hundred years, his combat experience was indeed too much worse.

"Then, I have one last question." Sasuke's gaze burned towards Kizaru, "That Aloof Red, how big is the difference in strength between him and Longinus?"

"How should I put this?" Kizaru face tangled, "Boss Longinus and Redfield gap, probably as much as a hundred you!"

Sasuke: (?`~′?)