Learning Ninjutsu is not going to save the Shinobi ......

Marineford, inside the Great Library.

"War does not decide who is right, only who remains!"

"When war comes, truth is the first casualty!"

"I have a dream ..."

Holding a thick tome in both hands, Naruto read silently with a pilgrim-like mind, his eyes glowing as if he had seen the door to a new world.

"Hmm? What are you looking there?" A calm voice suddenly sounded.

Naruto, who was fully concentrated, was first taken aback and then excitedly opened the booklet to his opponent's eyes after seeing the visitor's appearance clearly, "Sasuke, I found a way to save the Shinobi world!"

Didn't wait for Sasuke to ask questions, Naruto excitedly said to himself, "Even if we defeat Uchiha Madara, our world will only go back to the beginning, hatred, killing, disagreement, and eventually evolved into a new war, without making changes at the root, the circle of hatred will never go away!"

Sasuke stared at Naruto with glaring eyes, "You think so too?"

Sasuke and I think together? Is this the bond between Sasuke and me... Naruto felt in his heart, and Sasuke nearly vocalized at the same time.

"There should be only one voice in this world ..."

"You can't save the Shinobi world by learning Ninjutsu ..."

The voice paused abruptly, and each of the two blinked at the other.

After a moment's pause, Sasuke held up a booklet and said, "The darkness of this world is because of letting the trash named Gorosei take power, and so is Konoha, just because those trash elders and Sandaime are on top of power, it's making Konoha increasingly worse!"

At this point, Naruto realized that there was also a thick booklet in Sasuke's hand, different from his "Longinus Quotations", the booklet in Sasuke's hand was named "Longinus Autobiography".

Stunned, Naruto hurriedly explained, "No, grandpa Sandaime is definitely not like what you said, he is ..."

Sasuke interrupted directly, "Heh! Back then, Konoha was the strongest in the Shinobi world, even if they went to war with three Shinobi villages at the same time, but now, the military power and economy of Kumo have surpassed that of Konoha, who do you think this is due to?"

Naruto was momentarily at a loss for words, and Sasuke continued, "Konoha emerged by uniting one family after another, and Longinus formed this government of this world by uniting one kingdom and race after another. The same is the joint formation of the regime. This huge and complex government can prosper under the leadership of Longinus-sama, but Konoha in the leadership of those wastes of the next generation is worse than the next!

"Konoha can not accommodate the Uchiha, but the government of this world is able to let countless different races live in peace!" Sasuke said with a complicated face, "The vision and capacity of those in power, determine the future and development of this power, if you want the Shinobi world to be rescued, only under the leadership of a strong figure like Longinus-sama is it possible to achieve!"

Naruto looked at the other side in shock, "Sasuke, you ..."


Before the words fell, the two appeared outside the Great Library, and the booklet in their hands had disappeared.

"Is this the ... spatial transfer technique?"


The two people in shock opened the "computer bug" on their wrists, and a line of information was projected in front of them, "Disturbing public silence, repeated warnings are ineffective, forceful expulsion and blacklisted!"

The two men were in darkness, and Sasuke asked, "Did it remind you?"

Naruto weakly returned, "It seems to have, but you were too emotional at that time ..."

With that, Naruto said glumly, "Ugh, I haven't had time to memorize the quotes yet!"

Luckily, I used my Sharingan to record all the contents of the autobiography ... Hearing Naruto's complaint, Sasuke coughed awkwardly twice and forced the topic to change, "What did you mean before when you said that learning Ninjutsu couldn't save the Shinobi world?"

Naruto was distracted and said with interest, "I learned no matter how many ninjutsu and how strong I am, I can't change the hearts of people! As long as hatred continues, war and suffering will never stop, just like Uchiha Madara, who will only look to a false dream for peace!"

"But it was different for Longinus-sama. Longinus-sama used love and justice to awaken some of the slumbering people, and then used the power of words to spread love and justice, so that when the final disaster came, so many people stood up and fought side by side with Longinus-sama! Under the inspiration of Longinus-sama, those races that hate each other will put aside their prejudices and live together in peace!"

Back when he awakened Nagato, Naruto realized the power of words, but it was only because one-on-one mouth-to-mouth was so inefficient that he did not continue to study it.

But now, he realized the power of words!

Sasuke looked odd, "You wouldn't want to ..."

"That's right, I want to write a book!" Naruto first said cheerfully, then whirled and said somewhat sentimentally, "Perhaps, Ero Sennin is trying to remind me to keep on creating it!"

The corners of Sasuke's mouth twitched slightly; Naruto would not want to inherit the unfinished business of that legendary Sennin and become the new generation of erotic peeping toms in the Shinobi world, right?

"If you're happy ..."

Just then, the island beneath the two suddenly shook violently.

What happened ... two people looked at each other and saw the surprise in their eyes.

This place is the center of the world, gathered countless strong people of the holy land Marineford, not only those officers and marshals sitting in the town but also the kind of Longinus-sama beyond the limits of the "God" to suppress everything!

It can say that this is the safest place in the world!

"Could it be Uchiha Madara's original body!" Sasuke's eyes leaped with joy, and the blood in his body boiled.

He now also roughly knows that the Uchiha extermination back then seems to be inseparable from Uchiha Madara.

Just as Sasuke increased his speed and flew in the direction of the central building, suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar gravitational force burst out.

Shinra Tensei!

When caught off guard, Sasuke's body was pulled and sent flying.

"Could it be Uchiha Madara?" Sasuke's heart is horrified, hastily mobilize all the pupil power to transform into the full body of Susanoo, chopping mountains and breaking mountains with a sword in the direction of the gravitational force.

Sasuke's surprise was that the person who appeared in his sight was not Uchiha Madara but a pale person who looked quite similar to the Rikudo.

What surprised him the most was undoubtedly the blue rippling chakra eye in the other man's eye socket!

"Who is he? Why does he also have Rinnegan?" While wondering, the man was split in half by his sword; this change made Sasuke abruptly awakened, "No, how can someone with Rinnegan be so weak?"

"Unless, his target is not me at all!" Thinking of this, Sasuke hurriedly spoke out to warn, "Naruto, be careful!"

However, the Urashiki that had split in half was laughing, "How do you know that I didn't mean for you to think that?"

"What did you say?"

Without waiting for Sasuke's reaction, Urashiki's split body suddenly turned into a long red fishing line that danced and coiled, tying Sasuke in a death grip.

"This bastard figured out my thoughts, it seems, he secretly followed us not a day or two!" Sasuke's heart was annoyed, but he quickly calmed down and asked, while secretly unleashing the Amaterasu power, "Are you one of Uchiha Madara's men?"

"As much as I'd like to talk to you about the connections here, unfortunately, I don't have much time to waste on you." After saying that, Urashiki kicked Sasuke into the interdimensional space opened by Yomotsu Hirasaka.

"Sasuke!" Naruto let out a "heartbreaking" scream and went straight into Nine-Tail mode, his eyes red as he rushed towards Urashiki.

"What did you do to Sasuke, you bastard?"

"For those who have Rinnegan, it is not difficult to return to the present world, instead of worrying about that kid, you should worry about your own situation!"

Since there is without Rikudo on, the current Naruto is a huge amount weaker than Sasuke, at least in Urashiki's opinion, it won't be too hard to clean up this fox brat.

Especially with his now skyrocketing strength!

"Naruto, you're no match for him! Hurry up and escape, go to that Longinus for help!" The consciousness of Kurama warned.

"It's too late!" Despite the fury in his heart, Naruto's mind was still clear, "Asking for help on the way is already enough for him to kill me several times, in this case, exposing your back to the eyes of the enemy will only make the situation worse!"

Kurama was silent for a moment, "I understand, I will lend you all the power I have!"

Seems to see Naruto's thoughts, Urashiki smiled and held out his hands and said, "Want to hold out until reinforcements arrive? Don't dream! To defeat you, it only takes ten seconds!"

"Ten ..." Urashiki instantly appeared in front of Naruto, his five fingers entwined in red light clenched into a fist and swung out violently as if it was a countdown to death.

After swallowing the Kinshiki chakra, he not only inherited the Kinshiki physical skills, the strength of the physical body has increased several times.

"Amenosubaruboshinomikoto - Ryūgū ..."


The highly condensed and compressed chakra ball collapsed straight away, and Naruto himself was blown away by the blow.

"Damn it, Bijuudama!" Naruto couldn't feel the pain in time as one shot of Bijuudama shot out of the dust and mist.

"Just this level? Heh, Origami Replacement Technique! Six ..." Urashiki smiled and let Bijuudama penetrate itself; the body transformed into red light thousand paper cranes fly away in all directions. The next moment even appeared directly in front of Naruto in the mist.

Urashiki pressed a palm, "boom" sound, Naruto's body scattered into smoke.

"Surprisingly, it is a clone! When did ..."

"You fell for it, Senpō - Chōōdama Rasen Tarengan!"

Urashiki turned his head to see hundreds of Naruto's shadow clones simultaneously smashing at him with their super-sized Rasengan.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

For a moment, the ground of the entire island trembled violently, and in the center of the battlefield, seawater gushed out from the depths.

Heck, it had penetrated even the ground!

"Whew! Saved?" Naruto breathed heavily, even with his amount of chakra; attacking this magnitude was a struggle.

However, a red fishing line suddenly flew out to tie him up, causing Naruto's heart to hit rock bottom instantly.

"I really underestimated you! It's a pity that in front of absolute strength, these small moves have no meaning!" Urashiki flew out from the bottom of the sea, smiling towards Naruto, "Let me give you the final countdown, three ... two ..."

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The explosive sound suddenly came from Urashiki body; the whole body ejected a burst of blood spray!

This change made Naruto and Kurama were dumbfounded. Was this a human fountain show for them?

"Who? Who's there?" Urashiki looked around and shouted frantically.

"My name is Vegapunk." A distortion in the magnetic field space projected a plain-looking man, "It's the government's chief scientist and ... strongest weapon!"