Baldy's Counterattack

He had thought that, with his current strength, only those two people in these two worlds could put pressure on him, but where did this guy come from it?

The video footage of the battle to Longinus and the "God" died abruptly, although the "God" mentioned the name when splitting. Still, Urashiki was then immersed in the shock of the final fall and did not pay attention.

As for Naruto, he was excitedly waving his arms, "This uncle is also strong ah!"

Kurama was also marveling in Naruto's consciousness, "This world is truly terrifying, to think that there are still hidden strong people of that level of old man Rikudo!"

"There's no time!" Glancing at the space where the other brat had been banished earlier, Urashiki took a deep breath and, without a word, rushed towards Naruto.

The man was powerful, but he wasn't trying to defeat him either; his goal, from start to finish, was only one!

Capture the hostage, exchange back to Momoshiki, after absorbing the chakra of Momoshiki, and then use the greatly increased strength to recover the Divine Tree; thinking of this perfect plan, Urashiki only feels his flight speed. Is much faster ... not right? How am I flying in the opposite direction?

"Damn it!" Urashiki's heart cursed, too late to think more, immediately turn around and fly in the opposite direction.

At that moment, Naruto's puzzled voice came, "What is he doing? How do you fly over and over?"

Kurama's mocking voice followed, "Who knows? Maybe he thinks it's funny?"

The Urashiki flight trajectory stalled, looked up and fixed his eyes, appeared in the sight of that annoying guy again.

The first time he looked back at Naruto, who was getting farther and farther away from him, Urashiki just felt bad about the whole thing.

"You bastard, what the hell did you do to me?" Looking up at the Vegapunk in front of him, Urashiki shouted in a fury.

"I just used the magnetic field to distort a part of your perception." Vegapunk held up his glasses and said blandly.

"Stop it now, do you hear me?"

"To make a commanding request to the enemy, well ... does the average IQ of your clan surpass 50?"

After absorbing the chakra of Kinshiki, although the strength skyrocketed, Urashiki's personality is also much more manic, almost a little, "Bastard, then I will kill you first!"

However, no matter which direction he flew, the distance from Vegapunk always remained at a rough range.

This scene fell in Naruto, and Kurama's eyes are Urashiki in a continuous circle around the Vegapunk.

"What a terrifying ability!" Kurama's voice was low, and the scene before it brought back certain bad memories.

Naruto nodded with deep understanding; it would be worse than killing him to be trapped like this with his good nature.

Urashiki also seems to realize that he can not get close to the other side anyway, can not help but grumpy loudly shouted, "You bastard, come head on me ah!"

Vegapunk was still on his cloud and unmoved, "I'm just an ordinary scientist, not good at fighting."

Naruto and Kurama have a subtle look on their faces; this fresh and uncomplicated costume deserves to be learned by Sasuke.

After raging like this for a while, Urashiki instead quieted down, no longer flying around like headless flies, hovering in mid-air and laughing, "It's really out of order, to show such a rude side, to show my apologies, let me completely destroy this island!"

Doton: Tsuchi Kairō!

Since we can't catch the enemy, let's destroy him and everything around him!

However, before Urashiki could condense the gravitational core, the blood in his body suddenly burst, and the half condensed core directly disintegrated. Urashiki himself was also affected by the blood burst in his body and the energy fluctuations from outside, and he almost fell to the ground unsteadily.

"Damn it, it's starting again!" Urashiki looked at the bastard who called himself an ordinary scientist with red eyes.

If it was before, he could still force his ability despite the injuries in his body, but now, the surge in strength also made him unable to control the chakra very well.

In this case, the blood storm in his body became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

What's even grimmer is that Chibaku Tensei can be interrupted, meaning that Yomotsu Hirasaka may also be interrupted so that his way back is cut off!

Thinking of this, Urashiki couldn't help but cursed Uchiha Madara in his heart; if that bastard hadn't rushed to start the riot, he could have waited until he had digested Kinshiki's chakra before acting!

At this time, the calm space suddenly wrinkled, the gloomy face of Sasuke slowly step out, see this situation, Urashiki's heart completely fell to the bottom.

At the same time, in front of the square in the sky.

The skin is pale and somewhat sickly Uchiha Madara stands with a staff, with eight black seek the way jade hovering around behind him.

The square, the sea, the sky, each stood countless strong people, almost all-round to surround him, eyes full of scorn color.

They naturally remembered Uchiha Madara's sight using only one Gudōdama to make the crowd helpless, and now, eight Gudōdama are floating behind Uchiha Madara!

The other party's awe-inspiring aura is in no way comparable to that of the ninjas who were reborn in the obscene earth before. In the perception of Kenbunshoku Haki, it is like a black hole that swallows everything.

Uchiha Madara did not put those either scorn or hatred eyes on the heart, by the current him as an opponent, only one person!

"Where is Longinus? Why didn't he come out to see me?" Uchiha Madara's indifferent gaze swept over the crowd and said blandly.

"To deal with a monster like you, there is no need for Longinus-sama to come out!" Jimbei emerged from the sea with half a body; below him, a huge shadow vaguely emerged.

"That's right, we will clear the obstacles for Longinus-sama!" Transformed into the wind god Pteranodon form of Wyper soaring in the sky, his pupils rampant killing intent.

"No need to be impatient, we will take your corpse to see our sensei!" Kuina stood in the square, holding a sword blade and gazing into the sky.

A group of ninja was infected by the atmosphere of this common enemy, but at the same time, they could not help but think in their hearts that the cohesiveness of this world is enviable.

The other part of the ninja's heart is worried that Longinus-sama should not be the last forced to play B failed, now hiding in the treatment of injuries, right?

The corner of the Uchiha Madara's mouth turned up slightly and smiled wantonly, "Do you also want to dance?"

Although not quite understand what Uchiha Madara's words mean, the crowd can feel strong confidence and cold arrogance in the other party's words.

This condescending attitude naturally enraged Akainu, "Enough! What kind of place do you think this is, your bullet-sized Shinobi world? Let me tell you, this is the center of the world, the symbol of absolute justice, Marineford!"

Uchiha Madara doesn't get riled up but instead nods slightly and says, "That world is so small that there are so few places to open up, and it's barely enough for me alone to toss around, but this world of yours allows me to let loose a little!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Uchiha Madara opened his hands to both sides, and purple-black lightning rushed out like a tidal wave.

"Senpō - Inton Raiha!"


Almost at the same time as the words fell, and even more exaggerated sea of thunder fell directly from the sky, assimilating with the purple and black thunder before it had a chance to erupt.

Uchiha Madara cast his eyes on the most shining figure in that sea of thunder, kindly laughed, "I forgot, the so-called immortal method is just chakra with natural energy added, for you monsters who are originally natural elements, of course it won't work."

Eneru pulls out his ears, "You brat looks more like a monster than I do!"

Uchiha Madara ... brat?

The corners of the ninja's mouth twitching madly, but can not refute, Uchiha Madara in the Shinobi world is indeed a super grandfather level, but with these people in front of you, it can be said to be fresh meat!

Uchiha Madara's "tender" face sank, behind Gudōdama slowly fly to the front, "it seems, it is time to let you also feel the pain!"


One Gudōdama stretched into a thin film to wrap him, while the remaining seven Gudōdama suddenly shot out in all directions, of which, the long-eared man, bald strong, and good friend, were the targets of focused attention.

At once, the sky above the square was in chaos, with gorgeous ninjutsu, flashing abilities, and harsh slashes that almost tore the sky apart.

Seeing a Gudōdama coming straight at him, Akainu touched his smooth and shiny head; his mood was instantly not beautiful.

Under the perception of Kenbunshoku Haki, the Gudōdama passed by Akainu in a beautiful arc. Still, Uchiha Madara's attack is not that simple, as if automatically locked in general, the Gudōdama made a sharp turn and went after Akainu.

Besides, many people cannot get a good idea of what they are doing.

"Trying to use the Gudōdama to destroy the Gudōdama? Heh! Do you think I'm a loser who can't even control my power?" Uchiha Madara "saw through" Akainu's intention, snickered, and continued to control the Gudōdama to chase the crowd, but he did not move and let Akainu lead the Gudōdama to come.

"You bastard, there's a limit to how much you can despise someone!" Instead of suddenly dodging out of the way and letting the Seeker Jade hit the surface of the foil, Akainu raised his blazing, boiling right fist and hammered it down.

Senpō - Dai Funka!

"How dare you plan to use the most stupid do ... eh? Not right!" Uchiha Madara keenly perceived the lump of magma and hastily dodged but was still partially grazed by the giant fist of magma.


The black film burst like a bubble, and then, Akainu's huge fist of magma that contained strong hatred landed directly on Uchiha Madara's body.

"Haa... poof!" Uchiha Madara spurted out a large mouthful of blood, it directly destroyed half of his body, and he fell into the sea like a meteorite.

For a while, the chaotic battlefield quieted down.

Most people who are not clear about the inside story are unable to help but stare at Akainu with wide eyes, their hearts inexplicably feel, the other side that reflects the golden light of the top of the head seems to have become dazzling!