Part 2- Little sister's betrayal

The afternoon passed swiftly, and the most awaited time of the day has come.

It was nighttime now. The streets were lit up with lampposts, the light was strong enough to see the pathway during dusk.

I walked up groggily. Due to the liquor I had earlier, my vision swayed and so is my body. It felt like waves hitting my body violently, making my balance unstable.

I saw the convenience store which Seira had mentioned in the voicemail. With a hazy mind, I went to the place and arrived to see the face I hated most.

My little sister waved her hand when she spotted me out of the crowds. Her smile so pure that no one would think that she was capable of betraying her sister.

"Unnie! I'm here!"

Tsk. How distasteful.

I weaved through the busy crowds, and few seconds after, I stood in front of her with a pair of trembling eyes.



A loud crisp resonated into the busy air.

I slapped her cheek with a strength fueled from my seething anger. My palm swept across her pinkish cheek, causing its flesh to wiggle.


She looked at me like a puppy who had received a punishment from her owner.

"That one slap is for stealing my fiance.

Lie to me again and you'll have your face swollen for days."

The crowds stopped and feasted on the drama between two sisters. Never once I had thought that I would experience this kind of drama. It's my fault for trusting her blindly, and that mistake brought me into this situation.

"Unnie? What are you saying?"

She continued to twist her words. As if she hadn't known the meaning behind my words, she queried in an innocent tone.

"Don't you ever come at home without asking for my forgiveness first! Tell that man I'm breaking up with him!"

I quickly spun around, walking away from the crowds. I heard a series of footsteps echoing from behind as if it was desperate to catch up to my pacing.

"Unnie... Wait!"

Suddenly, I felt a hand gripped on my wrist. My eyes looked down. It was her again. But instead of a crumbling expression, I saw a gladdened expression on her face.

She leaned closer and whisper on my ears.

"I'm sorry for killing you like this...."

After she had spoken the words of farewell, she pushed me to the road in discreet.


My eyes widened as the words sank in. Seira didn't only plan to steal everything from me, but to also kill my very existence after she had used me to her heart's content.

My little sister watched me as I fell on the road. It was only matter of time when I lost her in the crowds after my body hit the speeding truck.

The glasses shattered, the metal front of the bus went octave as my body was imprinted on it due to the contact.

My body was thrown, then rolled repeatedly on the asphalted road that was now covered in blood. It was my blood that had stained the clean road.

Why? Is this what life rewarded my hardwork? Is this a compensation for being a good older sister to my only sibling?

Unfair, this garbage life of mine is utterly unfair...

The dark red liquid clouded my vision, as my eyes slowly losing its ability to remain open. I felt my energy was slipping out of my body.