Lost memories

When I cracked my eyes open, I felt a stinging pain in my forehead as I squinted on the blinding light.

Moving my eyes, I saw myself in a bed with bandages all over my body. When did I wrapped myself with it?

As I tried to recall my memories, it was only to no avail. My head hurt when I forced myself to think what happened in the past few days.

It feels like I have forgotten all my memories. I have no idea who I am.


A shocked voice rustled near the bedside. Her eyes staring at me, then it widened when she had realized something. She backed away, frantic, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Brother! Brother! She's awake!"

The young girl rushed towards the exit, leaving me in a stunned state. I blinked my eyes confusedly.

Seconds later, the girl who had called for someone came back together with a young man. Looking at their appearance, they shared the same features except the man's face is more mature.

I shifted my gaze to the man as he approached me gently.

"Young lady, are you feeling well?"

"Yes, I am good. Why do I have bandages?"

"Do you not know why?" The young boy titled his head confusedly.

Flinging a quizzical look, he asked, "Do you not remember what happened before you lost your consciousness?"

Taking a closer observation on his words, I figured out that I have really lost my memories. I thought the sleep delayed the flow of my memories, but it was really true that I could no longer recall any fragments of my past.

What happened to me?

I narrowed my eyes, kneading my forehead with my thumb. The young man and the young girl took a closer look on my gesture, staring at me worriedly.

"It's alright if you don't answer anything. For now, just focus on regaining your strength, so you could think clearly."

The man placed the basin with fresh water on the table near the bed, and left, leaving his young sibling. The girl stared at me curiously. I did not miss the evident curiosity on her eyes.

"Miss, you look like a princess."

A princess? I blinked my eyes in amusement. Pulling up a gentle smile on my lips, I replied.

"You look lovelier than me."

It is true. The girl has lovely features. Her eyes were brown, twinkling in pure innocence as she continued staring into my eyes. Bouncy pinkish cheeks was one of her prominent features.

"Miss, it's really true!"

The girl insisted. I felt like this would go far if I continued rejecting her compliment or whatever she means on her claim. I decided to ask her name for a change of topic.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Her pink chubby cheeks pushed up as she smiled.

"Adelaide. They call me Adele. What about you, miss?"

"Sadly, I can't even recall my name."

Adelaide waved her hand repeatedly as she apologized for not remembering that I had a hard time gathering my memories.

"I'm sorry, miss! I forgot!"

"Don't worry, it's fine, Adele."

Am I allowed to call her by her nickname? As I turned an eye to her, I noticed a pleasant smile on her lips.

"Thank you, miss."

Her tone solemn, and the smile suddenly fell from her lips. Her eyes looked as if the name had touched her heart. I recalled how I pronounced her name and there was nothing wrong with it. Perhaps it is not my fault?

"Adele! Come downstairs! Your food will get cold!"

The sad little girl cheered up when she heard her brother's voice. Adele bowed her head slightly then exited in a haste.

I turned my smiling face towards the small window. What a clear weather.

The sun has gone up already, lighting up the sky with its radiant rays. The rays that reached the thatched roofs, beyond the fields that glowed in bright green.

Had I witnessed something like this before? I frowned at the thought.

With this good weather outside, how could I waste my time sitting on a bed? I rummaged the sheets as I got out of the bed, then scrambled my feet, trying to familiarize my feet on the cold ground.

"Lady? Can you walk now?"

The voice echoed from the door where a man stood with a food tray on his hand.

"Oh, yes. I feel like I'm not used sitting on the bed for long."

The young man freed his hand by placing the food tray on the table, allowing him to open the door widely for me.

"Let's have a meal downstairs."

"Thank you, sir."

I smiled at his offer. Descending on the steep stairs, my eyes caught a warm scenery of a simple household. The cozy atmosphere occupied me for seconds, until I broke the dazedness on my own volition.

"Come sit down, miss!"

Adele said cheerily as she gestured her hand towards a vacant seat. I nodded in agreement, pacing slowly towards a seat next to her.

"Eat lots, miss. You look so thin. Have you been eating well?"

"Shh, Adele. Flush the food on your mouth before you speak." Her brother scolded her manner.

"Hmmph, you're so strict, brother!"

I obliged on the request, lifting the wooden utensil to place the food on my plate. Shoving a piece of steamed vegetable on my mouth, I curved my lips a smile in reason of sharing a meal together with the siblings.

Trick. A tear fell down from my eye for no apparent reason. Although I was feeling good, my eyes suddenly poured out the emotion my heart had forgotten long ago.

"Miss, why are you crying?! Is the food tastes that bad?"

Adele hurled a question as she was the one who had noticed my tear. It made me wonder if it's related to the events of my past.

"No, Adele. I don't know the reason. It just fell like that."

I scooped the tear on my cheek. I felt weirded out. With two pairs of eyes on me, I swatted the lingering thoughts off my head. Best if I don't engross myself in this kind of thoughts.

"Try to set aside that thought for now. Do you want more, miss?"

The young man pushed the plate of steamed vegetable towards me. I gladly took up the offer with a little smile on my face.

I followed his advice and relinquished the thought. Somehow, I felt more troubled. Though I tried busying myself, what happened earlier keeps distracting me.