Dragon Body.

Chapter 197: Dragon Body.

As the wall crumbled into pieces the red glow and heat radiating from the crack burst in into the tunnel and with its initial blast before slowly dying down as the hot air escaped put in the direction they had just come from. 

"Woah… We found it." Li Jun announced to both Haru and Lao.

Haru took a few steps forward before stopping at Li Jun's side to see the sight before them. Suspended in the air there was a solid layer of rock with stalactites like spikes pointing down from it. But as he looked closer he quickly noticed that it wasn't just rock. 

There was the imprint of large scales and then it went all the way up to the top of the volcano in a long line like the body of a dragon. That was when he noticed that they were, in fact, looking at the body of the dragon that had been encased in molten rock before it cooled down, leaving behind a statue similar to the turtle that was outside.