
Chapter 198: Lao...

Haru got up from the floor and began to walk toward the naked human body laying on the floor. He looked down and recognised the body as the ancestral dragon's son when he had seen what took place at this volcano within the array that caused them to take this trip in the first place.

He took the ring off from his own finger and as he did the green orb Lao was using to look through and Li Jun both vanished into thin air like they never existed in the first place. 

If the dragon emperor ring didn't have a wearer then everything that was stored within would return. Including the souls that had bound themselves to it. He then kneeled down next to the body before taking his hand and stretching out one of the cold fingers and placing the ring onto his hand.

Haru withdrew his hands away from the body as fast as he could, scared that something would happen as soon as it made contact with the flesh.