A Panic Attack

Jorge slept like a log in his bed. It was the best thing he did the last few days after he experienced severe exhaustion coupled by the erratic dysfunction of his myasthenia gravis. The hormonal changes in his body had given him severe body malaise that markedly slowed down his bodily functions.

"Help me, Jorge."

The tinny voice did not come from the dreams he usually had but from the low hum that was carried by an unknown frequency in the police radio he put under this bed. Although his eyes were closed-his mind recognized the ebb and flow of this rhythmic hum as it vibrates with consistency in his inner ear.

"Where are you Colonel?" He mumbled as his body curled from the involuntary contraction on his lower calf muscle.

"Back in time. I want to go back to the present. But I am somehow trapped."

Jorge grimaced in his sleep. His breathing doubled as if a neuronal link in his brain was triggered. "What do you mean?"