A Painful Death

The next morning, Drew Mackondray was not able to get up from the bed. His wife, who slept in a separate bed close to him, woke up late and saw that her husband was unusually calm in his bed, his eyes open and hand in a praying position. 

"Drew, aren't you going to work?" She called out while she got dressed. 

After spending some time inside, she went to the bathroom and went out only to find out Drew was still in bed. She stopped a few feet away from him, briefly looked at him, and cried when something hit her.

She went close to him, touched his face, and noticed he was lifeless and already stiff. She sobbed and sat beside him.


Marian woke up from bed seeing Pipa in front of her bed. 

"Pipa? Why are you up this early?"

Pipa showed her basket with cleaning tools. "I am sorry, Ms. Marian. I woke up early and cleaned the hall, and this is the only area I have not cleaned so far."