Choose One

"Here's the car key," Primo put the key on the table. They arrived early, and the car was back in the garage.

Susana was slumped on the sofa as the domestic helper served her a warm tea.

"You sure don't want tea?" Susana asked.

Primo put his fedora on.

"No. Got a lot of deadlines to beat. The carriage is waiting for me downstairs."

"Thanks then." 

"No. I should be the one thanking you for being so welcoming."

Primo left and closed the door behind him. Susana briefly closed her eyes then jumped from her seat to catch Primo's leaving, but the carriage was already gone. She went back to her seat, unable to do any task she planned in her bucket lists. 

"What am I doing?" She asked herself.

She got a million things to do, yet she had no idea what should be done in order of priority.

Susana called the domestic helper.

"Can you call a carriage for me? I need to go to town."