The Riva Couple

Mrs. Jacqui Riva, a childless socialite whose philanthropic activities were well known all over the town and outside of Palindrome, was on the phone talking to her estranged police husband, Major Elliot Riva. She had been patient with his absence, and although she barely misses him, she had this opportunity to beseech him for his apparent lack of awareness and initiative to greet her on her birthday.

"When are you coming back?"

"In three weeks?" Major Riva replied.

"But that's too long!"

"I am sorry. This operation had used up all the time I got."

"And I 'm supposed this is the reason why you forgot to even leave a note for me on my birthday?"

"Sort of….Yes, dear. But Happy birthday, sweetheart! You know how I put all my hundred percent love for you when I have the time."

"Where are you anyway?"

Major Riva fell silent. "You know my operations are top secret, Jacqui. I cannot give you any details over the phone."