The Tarot Reading

The two managed to remove much of the dried branches. Marcus was able to get inside by crawling in, followed by Martha. Inside, Martha tapped Marcus' shoulder and signaled to open the light on his helmet. The inside of the cave was moist with water dripping on the walls. The squeaks of bats perched on the stone crevices were audible, and it made an eerie sound. Marcus lighted the cave walls and was about to speak something when Martha crossed his finger on his lips.

"You don't want the entire population of bats coming down on us. Just keep your voice low," Martha gently whispered. 

"But how can we communicate?" Marcus asked but still loud, which made the bats squeak even more.

"Shh...much lower, will you?" Martha repeated her plea.

"Okay," Marcus replied in a rather tinny voice.

The two walked up the stone walls that act as fortresses beyond the cave.

"It's slippery up here," Martha warned.