"Hey, boys," Rea greeted Jet and the others as she walked towards them.

"Hey, Rea," Alec greeted with a smile as Rea came to give them all a hug.

The woman specifically gave Jet a hard slap on the back as she hugged him before pulling back. "Anyway, we haven't gotten to catch up ever since you guys came back. What say you we go for dinner tonight?"

"Ohhh!" Ronnie interjected excitedly. "There's a newly opened diner by the 5th Avenue. Let's try that,"

Rea came towards Ronnie and the two of them excitedly jumped up and down while holding hands like some teenagers. The two of them have always got along well, especially when it came to food. They both liked cooking and so were always updated with the new restaurants and the trending recipes on the internet.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Rea enthusiastically replied. "I'll call the rest of the guys!"