Like a routine, he had recently got into, as soon as he opened his eyes Jet started talking to Alice. He wasn't talking about anything special. He would simply call her name repeatedly. Sometimes he would tell her things about how his day had been. Most of the things he would threaten her that he would stop talking to her if she doesn't reply. But then the next morning he still would call on her.

Like a broken record, he kept repeating her name in his mind—hoping with everything he has that she would hear and answer him.

*"Alice?"* He called, swinging his feet on the side of his bed. *"Alice?"*

Ao opened her eyes and fluttered towards Jet. As if she could see that he was crestfallen, the little crow landed on the bed beside him and nuzzled his hand. With a soft smile Jet wouldn't show anyone, he lifted his hand and caressed her in the head.