"Prep her for the tests," Dr. Leto ordered as Johnson pushed Alice Slade's bed inside the simulation room. "Quick now—what are you waiting for?"

Davis, who sat down in front of the simulation control panel, nodded. He waited for Johnson to exit the room before he started typing in the difficulty level Leto had told him to. After putting in the needed codes, he looked up at the head scientist in question.

"Are you sure about this Dr. Leto? This level is made to be impossible to break," Davis stated and Leto simply gave him a look of 'do-I-look-like-I-care?'.

Unable to disobey a direct order, Davis had no choice but to press the 'enter' key. The simulation room slowly started to change to accommodate the level he had entered.

"Now altering her Freakquency, level 5. . . Level 4 . . . Level 3 . . . Level 2 . . . Level 1 . . . And . . . She's up,"