"Wait!" Alec shouted before the stranger could drop the call. "How can we know this is not a trap?"

They could hear her sigh. "Because I'm risking my life for this. I don't care if you believe me or not. But this is going to be your only chance,"

Without waiting for an answer, Leto dropped the call. She put her phone back in the back pocket of her jeans. She had managed to exit the restricted section, which was the lab. 

The only thing she needed to do was get out of the building. But she felt like everyone was staring at her. Though, she knew it was simply just her paranoia. After all, there was no way anyone would know what she was planning.

It was impossible for anyone to know. 

She wants to believe that. 

She needed to believe that. 

If not, she knew her nerves would get the best of her. So, she took a lot of deep breathes, steeled herself, and erased every little expression on her face.