"It's a good thing none of them suffered anything worst," Adelle stated with relief as she closed the door to Alice's room. 

Percy wrapped an arm around his wife's waist as the two of them walked towards their own room. Adelle leaned her head to rest over his shoulder, trying to get as much warmth as he could provide. Her heart stopped when she saw Alec carrying an unconscious Alice.  She had thought of the worst. 

"Don't worry," Percy murmured as the two of them entered the room. "Tomorrow, we are bringing Alice to meet with Jet. So they could create a bond. Matt had pointed out that those volunteers who personally knew each other have a better reaction to the treatment,"

Adelle quickly agreed. "I guess she'll be spending time at the lab? I'll have the nanny prepare her things tomorrow. But. . . What are we going to tell Alec?"