The fear in Jet's eyes was something no one could fake; especially Jet. Alec knew that very well. So when the younger man stated that Alice had said she couldn't feel anyone—he believed him with no questions asked. 

But still, he still could not help but ask how it all came to that. What had happened. And how did Alice come to Jet's room while she was still trapped inside the research laboratory of Dr. Leto?

"Jet! I need you to focus!" Alec calmly commanded, though his voice was soft and understanding. "Please, Jet. Focus,"

Jet blinked. He was still on the floor of his room. As he calmed down, from the heat of Alec's hand on his shoulder, he realized he was shaking quite severely as if he has a cold. He finally understood why, despite his voice being calm, Alec looked too worried.

Aside, of course, from the fact that he had just mentioned his sister's name.