Leto looked around. She was sitting in front of a vending machine in the deepest part of the building. She was sure no one would go there on their own just to buy something from the machine. It was so far out of everyone's way. Yet—she can't help but feel nervous.

"I can't talk long," she said into the phone. "But—I think you need to know. I just found out that Alice Slade was never under a coma,"

She stated, remembering the fear she felt the moment the young woman revealed her abilities. Her mere aura managed to make Leto fall to her knees. And that was when she was not even trying to scare her. What more if Alice Slade had the intention to hurt her? How much more fear would she feel under that gaze?

The young woman was so ethereal. It was as if she was not part of the world they walked on. So unreal. 

