Z let out a long, tired breath as he took the water pitcher on the table and gulped it down without pouring it into a glass. Most of the liquid ran down his chin and towards his shirt and down the carpet. But Alec couldn't find it himself at the moment to care about his things. 

Z puffed out a relieved breath after drinking half of the water. He then put it back down on the table as he wiped his mouth with his free hand.

"This. . . Whatever the hell it is, is affecting Noah as well. Not only Jet's. And I'm pretty sure it will also affect those who will transform in the future. The Freakquency is turning unstable,"

"Unstable how?" Clinton asked.

Z looked up at him as he wore his earphones once more. "Unstable. It's not only going to cause mutations anymore. It will kill us. Sooner rather than later from the looks of it,"