"She's warming up, doctor," one of her assistants stated as the machines connected to Alice Slade slowly quietened down. "The blood rewarming worked wonders,"

"Of course, it did," Leto sarcastically agreed. "As I've said, it was hypothermia. The Sepsis was an amateur diagnosis mistake. I can't believe I actually made that,"

Leto cursed herself as she left her assistants to deal with the remainder of the tasks at hand. She walked out of the room they were keeping Alice Slade in and went straight to her table. She picked her lab coat up and wore it before she sat down.

It was an amateur mistake. Something she wouldn't have done if she was her usual self. Yet—because of the men's crazy statement of waging a war against the man that started the Agency, Leto's mind was swirling around leaving no room for anything else.