"What are you saying," Ronnie asked in confusion as he pressed Jet down on the couch as the younger man continued to convulse. 

Leto looked at him, her eyes showing how dire the situation was. "It means, it will starve his organs," 

"Oh shit," Ronnie swore, gritting his teeth. "That's not good,"

"You think?" Z asked sarcastically, looking at Ronnie from his peripheral vision.

"Tell me you can do something, Z," Alec interrupted. 

Z, who had already popped an Alpha pill in his mouth was already rubbing his hands together. "No promises," he murmured as he put his hands on top of Jet's chest, concentration his healing abilities straight in his heart. 

A warmth of Z's azure light enveloped them all despite that he was only using it at Jet. The young healer's face slightly contorted, alerting Alec that something was wrong. He gripped the top back of the couch Jet was unconscious at.