"Make it stop!" he screamed.

The pain was unbearable. His head felt like it was splitting into two. His heart was rapidly beating. With every second that passed become harder and harder to breathe. It came to the point that he couldn't even pinpoint where it hurt anymore. 

All he knew was that he was hurting.

"Why, Jet? Think why," the child asked, his hand still outstretched towards the man on the ground. 

Jet started gasping for air as his throat constricted. He reached out for the hand that was outstretched toward him but he couldn't grip anything. His fingers only slipped through the mist-like appearance of the child. With his mouth open like a fish out of water, Jet grabbed at the air. 

"The why. . . Is not. . .Important!" he wheezed, clasping his chest. "He. . .They!"

"But why?" the voice calmly asked, irritating Jet all the more than the fact that he couldn't breathe. "Think, Jet,"