Chapter 9 - Gylore 2

Exium's cottage was filled with his piercing voice. He moved fluidly to the kitchen and made breakfast for his guests. He knew very well that Celeste hated his singing. She said his voice sounded like a banshee.

That was harsh though . If only he lived to see one. He thought.

"Can you keep it down.People are trying to sleep." Christian said from the door. He was awake the whole night because Exium's plants kept creeping on him while he slept.

"Look at you. You need to freshen up." Exium commented gesturing to the knife close to Christian. "You really didn't need to state the obvious." Christian rolled his eyes at him.

"Alright shoo now." He caught the knife in his hand and waved Christian off. Christian stood watching the door Exium slammed in his face. It was true he needed to freshen up.

Celeste was still asleep with her familiars in her embrace. 'This witch has no shame.' Luna hopped from the bed avoiding the plants on the floor board. Those creepy things gave her light pinches throughout the night, so she found security in her master's embrace. She drew the curtains to Celeste's dismay.

' Surprise master! It's morning already.'

Celeste opened her eyes only to be blinded by the light rays. "Can you hear that piercing scream?" She asked Luna who nodded. 'It's starting to hurt my sensitive ears.' Luna twitched her ear.

She moved to the bathroom and freshened up. The more she moved to the kitchen the more the screeching became louder.

" I'm not surprised." She mumbled when she saw the owner of the voice. "Goodmorning Edrea!" Exium said pulling her in a hug.

She smiled lightly amd pulled him back. "You need to concentrate unless you want us to eat burnt inedibles." She chuckled when he raced to the kitchen.

He hated cooking and his food burns. He says its not professional. Christian joined them and sat waiting while staring at Celeste's tired face." Do you mind if I call you Edrea? " She tilted her head to the side and muttered a yes.

"Its fine by me." She stared at him making him conscious of himself. Exium appeared and placed food on the table leasing the awkwardness around them. "What's with all the awkwardness around here! Unless you want my friends to loosen it for you."

He took his seat before them and mumched on his food rather slowly watching the two. He even wondered when Gylore would appear.

"Is he coming now?" He asked her. She paused eating and gave him an impatient look. "Yes i sent Heides to fetch him."

He nodded his head amd continued eating his food. "He should be here soon. He's always late." She said eating her food.

On cue, Gylore appeared with Heides on his shoulder. He watched his audience carefully and frowned when Exium winked at him.

"Hello darling long time no see!" Exium smiled innocently. Gylore frowned at him and took his seat beside Celeste. "How rude. Not even a hello." Exium muttered and his vines whipped Glyore's back.

"What was that for Exium?" Hw rubbed on the sting. "Manners, Manners." He replied watching Gylore with a hint of mischief in his eyes. Gylore sighed.

"I do not plan on working with him Celeste. I only came here because you insisted and Heides convinced me." He petted the dark raven on his shoulder. The raven hopped on the table amd moved to Christian.

She turned her head to the side watching him closely and perched on his shoulder." Looks like she likes him. "Gylore watched their interaction before turning his attention to Celeste. She nodded to Exium who beamed in return.

" Come here sweetie!" Exium draggged Gylore's seat close to his." Well you're in this whether you like it or not. Consider it a payback for what you did to us five decades ago." Exium grinned.

Gylore removed Exium's vines from creeping on him and gave Celeste an annoyed look. "Seriously you two haven't gotten over it yet?"

Celsete shrugged her shoulders while Exium snorted at him. "You wish. After you left us in that abandoned greenhouse and we almost got eaten alive by that vile creature." He cringed at the memory.

"Or when you left us in the void and we almost got swallowed . You choose one." Celeste added. He sighed at their logic. "Alright I'll join. Now can you get those creeping things from me." He pointed at the vine at his feet.

"Now we need to find Christian's parents. Maybe you can help us out." She said watching Heides. Christian watched the three's interaction. They looked like they have been together for long. The raven on his shoulder kept pulling on his hair which he found amusing.

" Sorry for that, she always does it. It's become a habit. "Celeste said pulling Heides with her magic to which she let out a loud cry." Hush child. "Celeste cooed tapping her head and she vanished leaving a feather.

" Now we can we continue. " She placed the feather in Christian's palm." Keep it. When you need her just break it. " He nodded and placed it in his pocket.

They planned where to go next and when they should start their journey. It was going to be a long one.

" I'll scout the area you three stay here." Gylore stood up. "I'll go with you!" Exium squeaked. Gylore gave him a warning look and he ignored him. "Plants are the biggest gossips especially mushrooms. They will give us important information of any suspicious activity." He pressed on.

"Ever since I've met you,this is the first time I've heard you say something close to sensible." Gylore commented. He earned a whip on his back.

"Are we going or not?" He asked feeling insulted. Sometimes Exium felt like killing him but it's not accepted and he'll be killed plus he was a wanted wizard.

Gylore nodded making him give an excited yell. "You two enjoy your time alone." Exium threw Christian a wink.

"Is me that finds him disgusting sometimes?"Christian asked watching them leave." The feeling is mutual. "She replied.

" We'll have to wait for them to arrive." She said finally finishing her meal. He munched on his food while she washed her plate.

" So if we find my parents what happens? "He asked her. She leaned on the sink and carried Luna in her arms." We'll know when the time comes. For now we'll look for them and also be wary of the Council. "

" Nothing really passes their sharp eyes. "She ranted. He felt Luna give him a piercing gaze. He watched the small black cat in her arms. It looked uncomfortable with him staring at it.

" Anyways you have to be careful too. I can't always protect you from danger as am in danger to. "She said placing down Luna who scurried away to her rest place.

Christian scoffed at her. He hated how they thought him as weak. Yes he was but they didn't need to state the obvious all the time. At least he was good with weapons.

She rose her brow at his scoff. "You know I'm not as weak you perceive me to be." He stood up walking in her direction. She had a frightened look on her face.

"Im well capable of protecting myself and even you. So instead of judging me you should change your ways of perceiving me." He placed his hands on her sides of the sink trapping her .

She laughed at his logic. "Well i would be looking forward to you fulfilling your vow."

"Oh i will, you watch and see." He leaned closer to her making their faces an inch apart. She blinked her eyes several times. Christian stared at her wide eyes and gave her left cheek a light pinch.

"Are you two going to be lovey dovey in my house?"Exium said behind them. Gylore hid a laugh. They looked funny to him.

" We found something interesting."Gylore said seriously. Celeste gave Christian a light push and took her seat beside Exium.

" We found traces of magic around here. Looks like one villager is a witch. We tried to be discrete but someone here ruined the plan. "Gylore stared hard at Exium who has a guilty look on his face.

" The magic looked like it was used moments ago. I can't tell maybe you should have a look at it. "Gylore suggested.

Exium stared at Christian the whole time. Celeste nodded and gave Christian a brief look."Alright I'll look at it.You'll use your magic to track the person." She pointed in his direction.

Exium smiled. "Finally she's seeing use in him." He muttered.