Chapter 10- A Witch Again?

"You were right. The magic was used moments ago." She paced around sniffing the area every now and then. "Well what are you waiting for boy? Come and track the person." Exium pushed Christian in her direction.

He watched the area and crouched running his fingers through the soft grass. He felt her place her palm on his shoulder and he looked at her. " You can do it. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Make sure your mind is blank. "

He followed her lead. He saw a blur memory flash in his mind. "Take deep breaths." He heard her say.

He took deep breaths and the memory became clearer. A man who looked around his twenties stood around a circle he drew. He had brown curly hair with a lean body. Hw sliced his palm and let the blood drop in the ring.

It gave a light glow and something sprouted from the ring. He tried his best to get a clear image of the thing but it became blur and dizziness washed over his body.

"He is loosing consciousness Edrea!" Exium exclaimed. Whatever he saw wasn't good considering his powers are in a dull state.

"You two leave with him I have something to do. " She said already supporting his body on hers. Gylore nodded and took Christian's body. "We'll see you soon and don't get into trouble." With a final nod, they vanished.

"Ill have a fish to catch." She grinned changing her form to a shadow.

She circled the small cottage in the air. It looked nothing but suspicious. It had a small garden like Exium's. She even wondered whether it was a rule to have a garden in your cottage. It was isolated from the other huts and the tall trees did a good job of hiding it.

She spotted a figure moving inside and moved closer to but got burned by the barrier. "Smart but not smarter than me." She commented watching the barrier recovering from her touch.

She has to admit it stinged alot and she felt her energy drain. She touched it lightly and it stang her. "This will hurt alot." Celeste went up and came crashing, forcing her way through the barrier. It burned her body and tried to throw her out. She tore the barrier with her fingers ignoring the burns.

Once she made it through, she was already drained with burns on her body. She noticed the damage on the barrier. The was a gaping hole with her black smoke around it.

Hurried footsteps came in her direction and she stoood up wincing at the jolt of pain that shot through her whole body.

"What happened here?" She heard a light voice ask in surprise. Blinking her eyes, she followed the voice to see the young man she was looking for . She tilted her head at him and took steps towards him. Seeming surprised of her courage, he threw fireballs at her in defense.

She dodged them hitting him with a bolt of electricity. He yelped when it made contact with his skin. "You felt that right?" She stopped three meters away from him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He said getting ready to attack her. She watched him once more before chuckling at him. "Look here, you did something illegal by summoning a spirit. You know the consequences of it?"

He eyed her suspiciously. "How do you know?" He asked her. "Your questions will be answered very soon." She snapped her fingers and her shadows surrounded him.

"You are coming with me." She said and they teleported to Exium's cottage.

Gylore tied the strange man with magic absorbing ropes. Exium gave him a look. "I don't know what he is. You need rest." He said to Celeste. She looked burnt like a fish. He chuckled.

"What of him? Is he awake yet?" She dismissed his opinion.

"You're hurt Edrea. Let Gylore take care of them." He pressed on. Gylore, now standing near the strange witch gave her a concerned look.

He grabbed her arm and took her to a quiet place. He knew how stubborn she was. She will never accept help from anyone." What happened? You really hurt this time. "He waved his glowing hand over her burns.

" I forced myself through his barrier. "She said watching him heal her. She was not used to him doing this. Normally he would give her potions to drink, awful ones to be precise.

" Why would you do that? "He asked her annoyed. Every witch knew to keep away from other witches barrier. He released a heavy sigh." The Prince, you know his powers aren't yet strong. You have to be careful with him or he will be reading your mind anytime ." She gave him a surprised look at the information.

"We felt him enter our minds when he was unconscious. It was painful. It was like he was bringing memories we've hidden." He explained releasing her arm.

"That's not a problem." She opened her dress exposing her back to him. He stood behind healing her wounds. "How is it not a problem?" Gylore asked her curiously. She only smiled to herself and wore her dress again. "I'm going to check on him."

He gave her confused look and moved to Exium.

Celeste stood watching his body. He looked peaceful sleeping but she knew it wasn't peaceful in his mind. She touched his forehead and pulled her hand back. She did feel him enter her mind and frowned at this. 'He isn't really sleeping' Luan said.

'He is just confused like in a dream world.'She scratched her ears. "We have to wake him up. He's not supposed to be in the dream world for long." She pointed to his sweaty face.

' You know how to do it right?' Luna smirked. Celeste had a confused look on her face. Then realization dawned on her.' You remember don't you? 'Luna said watching her hide a blush. In fact, Exium was right things were going according to plan.

"I can't do this. I would be taking advantage of his weakness." She frowned.' Who says he will know? He's still in dream world he will think of it as a dream.' Luna circled her with urgency in her every step. She didn't want them to miss this opportunity. Call her desperate, but it needs to be done .

" Fine i will, just leave us." Luna nodded and walked out sealing the door with her magic.

She moved closer to him and held his chin in her small palms. She muttered a spell under her breath before kissing his lips lightly. His pain transferred to her body before eventually subsiding.

Christian blinked his eyes at Celeste who was inches apart from his lips. Surprised at her moving body, he grabbed hwr chin and gave her a deep kiss before pulling back.

Celeste pulled back and wiped her lips several times. "I'll be outside your room waiting for you." She moved hurriedly to the door.

He stood up and grabbed her by the waist. He felt a new feeling explode in his chest when he kissed her the first time. She had no time to react and he slammed his lips on hers.

She pushed him back with a frown on her face. "What's the meaning of that?" She wiped her lips again. He said nothing and moved out of the room leaving her speechless. She touched her lips and a blush formed on her face.

"No it was a mistake. Don't think to much of it." She pinched her cheeks. Taking a deep breath, she went out of his room. Luna was sitting not far from the door. She gave Celeste a grin as if she knew what had happened.

Tge three men stood before the unconscious man." Are you sure that he will wake up?" Exium's vines poked his body. "Yes i didn't inflict damage on him as he did to me."

"Edrea i can't believe he hurt you. What happened?" Exium wailed. She knew he did that to pique Christian's curiosity. He noticed tension between the two when they came out of the room. Exium didn't ask much about it but he guessed.

"She forced her way through his barrier and got burnt in the process." Gylore spoke."It's not like am dead or something not that I will soon." She waved them off. She didn't want them prying further than they already did.

The man moved in his seat and tried burning the ropes. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."Gylore crouched in front of him." He's a mage. " He said to Celeste.

" Mage? But i thought they all run away when the war happened."Exium commented. Celeste thought about it. They worked for Prince Nikolai and his father during the war. They are considered as traitors.

" Yes a traitor, funny thing is that he summoned a spirit which is prohibited for mages." Gylore gave her a concerned look.

Summoning of spirits were done by high witches like Celeste herself or The Head of Council. It demandes a lot of energy. If not done properly the magic welder will be consumed to the void.

" But i thought only The Head of the Council and you are allowed to use that." He asked her unsure. "Yes considering I was once a member of the Council."

"You'll have some questions to answer darling." Exium stood in front of the man pushing Gylore away.

The man only gave Exium a glare but kept mute. "I will change the attitude too." He snapped his fingers. His vines gave the man a tight grip on his arms and ankle.

"Okay what's your name?" He asked. "Why should I tell you." The man retorted.

"I told you to fix that attitude didn't I say that?"A vine whipped the man's thigh while the others gripped him tighter.

" This will take a while."Celeste sighed. Gylore gave a laugh in response. Exium was scary when he was serious but he was also a pervert in many ways.

For example he was a playboy that enjoyed using his magic on innocent ladies. He also had ways that he used to twist yours words and turn them against you.

They turned their attention to Exium when the man yelped in pain and said things rapidly.

"I think am done here. His name is Alais he's a mage. He summoned a spirit with the help of a human. It was a sacrifice so something like an exchange." He said.

"Wow humans are really stupid." She said. "I hate to say this but it's true." Gylore agreed.

"What do we do with him?" Christian spoke for the first time. "He'll be sent to the Council for judgment or I'll just have to send him to the void." She said.

Sending him to the Council would draw attention plus they want her dead. " I think you should send him to the void or we can do a blood contract with him." Exium explained.

" I'm not going to make a contract with a traitor. "She said eyeing him." He's yours to keep just teach him some manners." Alias looked between Exium and Celeste. He preferred her to Exium but she also had a cold personality around her.

" That's fine with me. I'll turn him to a toad or something." He said it quietly releasing the roped around Alias.

" You're coming with me."Exium left with Alias leaving the three alone.

" I'll take my leave for now. "Gylore disappeared. Now Celeste and Christian were left alone.

She made her way out feeling uncomfortable. Exium's place was beautiful than hers. It was filled with nature itself and had a smell of mixed herbs.

" Edrea, can I talk to you? "Christian said behind her. She turned her head in his direction. She was surprised he called her that." What? " She looked anywhere but him.

Christian moved towards her" I'm sorry for what I did earlier . "He started and looked down embarrassed. She stared at him. Who would have thought that he could become embarrassed. " I shouldn't have kissed you without permission it was inconsiderate of me. "He held her hand staring into her eyes.

" I see. Well don't do that again. " She said.

He smiled genuinely at her." Friends? "He extended his hands to her. No one ever wanted to be her friend because of her personality and here's someone who wants to be a friend." Friends. "She took his hands and gave it a light squeeze. It even sounded foreign to her.

She hoped she made a good decision.