Where they met

Kyrie turns his eyes towards Imogen to see if she recognizes this place, but Imogen stares back shaking her head. 

Turning back to look rapidly, Laurel finds a dead end. The doors have disappeared. Their eyes have deceived them with the illusion of the room of the giant serpent statue.

Ian looks at the walls of the tunnel, tracing his eyes up from one side to the other. The atmosphere feels similar to the feeling of a place filled with mana, yet the lingering particles of the air feels much more dense and rich, also indescribably pure.

"The walls have a different feeling than mana, but also something very similar to it. It is like the relic back at the forest of Labam," Ian says.

Kyrie walks towards Ian who is examining the tunnel walls. He also tries to feel the aura coming out of the tunnel walls. A pure and clean aura radiates from the walls. Like Ian said, the tunnels do have some kind of essence coming out of them.