Peck on the forehead

"What is happening?" asks Sil while watching from Saskia's crystal ball.

Cynthia, also not sure, looks at the relic on her hands that is turning red. Turning hotter and hotter, the relic sears on Cynthia's hand, but she does not flinch at all. Then, the relic smokes up, covering itself up inside the cloud. Before their eyes, the relic disappears. They only see Cynthia's medium-rare hands with her skin burned off.

Saskia, who is on their side, smiles in satisfaction while looking at their confused faces. Cynthia looks livid at Saskia. The piercing glare is picking all Saskia's hairs up. 

Seeing Cynthia getting mad, she is starting to like her personal revenge. Although she loves violence, sometimes, the best revenge is not always with it. 

"What happened to it, Saskia?"