Don't move!

"Is something wrong?" asks Kyrie. 

"Not that something is wrong! You guys left without telling anyone! Don't you understand that the dungeon is dangerous if you separate yourself from the group!" Phanes starts to lecture them.

Erebus touches her arm, but Phanes turns her head to face him with a deep frown.

"Erebus, you are not stopping me too! These kids could get lost and split apart from the group! They can die if they encounter the monsters inside this dungeon!"

"Phanes, calm down."

Looking at Erebus's concerned eyes, she pauses. Her eyes soften.

She relaxes back her shoulders and looks away from Erebus, slightly blushing.

"Sorry… We just wanted to reconcile with each other by having a conversation amongst ourselves," says Ian while standing back up from the rows of rocks.

Phanes lets out a sigh and puts her hands on her hips.

"Forget it! So… Did you guys reconcile?"