Underground city of Udarr

There is only darkness in front of them. 

Now that they have fallen from such height, there is no way for them to go back to look for the group. Phanes lights up the tunnels, and they continue exploring them by walking forward. As they walk through the one-way tunnel, they can see blue rays of light reflecting on the tunnel walls from far away. Soon, they encounter a chamber inside the cave. 

Huge stone tablets that reached the ceiling are placed neatly on the cylinder-shaped chamber walls. On the top, the center of the ceiling, there is a huge blue mana stone that shines over the chamber—waves of the blue light project onto the stone tablets and floors. 

Walking in, the cold air gusts to the bottom of the chambers from the blue mana stone. The gentle cold light moves like calm waters. The chamber seems like it is submerged underwater. 

Kyrie rotates around to capture the sight of the giant tablets. Then, he walks close to read the carvings.