Into the city of Udarr

In the tunnels, before turning to see the couple, Phanes looks at Erebus with tears in her eyes. She never expected that she would get to eavesdrop on such a conversation. She just returned with Erebus and Eric from exploring what is beyond the exit of these tunnels. 

*sniff* *sniff* 

Eric's tears are pouring down like he has lost control over his own emotions. Looking at Eric's uncontrollable tears, Phanes also breaks into her own version of uncontrollable sobs too. Her mix of hiccups and ugly crying sends Erebus to a daze.

Unsure of what to do, Erebus caresses Phanes's hair while she puts her head on Erebus's chest. 

"Oh... ooohhh... Don't cry... it's okay... it's okay..."

Eric looks at them resentfully. He is here with them, but they act as if he is not even there. Doing all those couples stuff when they are bursting in tears because of couples stuff.