Ten years

The light hits Kyrie's eyes, and he wakes up from his slumber. The memories of the day before flood into his mind. The stuff that he said to Ian without the restrictions of his trauma is setting his heart more peace than he would have thought if he remains silent.

Despite that, he covers his blushing face with his hands.

How can he say so much nonsense at the same time that well? He has reached the top tier at his narcissistic levels for saying his internal monologue out loud! 

Now, he is just waiting for a system to congratulate him with a title of shamelessness. 

He has even proposed to Ian! 

Kyrie rolls around the bed while hiding his blushing face with his hands. His emotions flood like a tsunami inside. No words can describe how overwhelming and overflowing his emotions are.

[I just can't even... *(#*$(#&5@$%@#]