The goddesses' descend

The cries echo in the chamber, ringing in Maya's ears as she extends her hands over the pit. 

She knows she has promised Udarr never to lift the seal, but she cannot just let these souls remain if they still have a home to go back to. Imagining herself unable to go home is agonizing.

This is no longer natural for her. These souls should have returned to where they belong.

'I didn't know… I had no idea that I was holding people from their home…'

Despite knowing that she is not strong enough to lift the entire seal, she manages to lift a corner. The souls on the pit, seeing the opening, start to race towards it, cramming on the little space as if it is a competition. 

The free souls come to experience the freedom that they yearn so much for - the single thought that occupies their minds when in captivity. However, once out, their minds plague with other thoughts.