
The sight of Yue causes Kyrie to feel chills. She carries the same features as the girl he met on the train that offered him a way to Ian's world.

A young teenage girl with flowy long black hair and clear brown eyes stands in front of the four gods and bows. Her manners are different than the ones that Kyrie is used to. Unlike the blatant laziness and carelessness she showed during the time they spent together, this Yue shows an orderly and serious demeanor, maybe a bit clumsy in her bearing like a beginner.

"Yue greets young misses and god Erebus."

Phanes pats on Yue's head. Being short and younger, Yue gets treated by Phanes as a younger sister, not a servant. Phanes has always hated not being taken seriously due to her age.

Phanes glances back at the awkwardly standing mortals who seem to be out of place. In history, there is not a single occurrence recorded where gods appear together in the mortal world.