
Sensing the shifting of weight on his hands and body, Ian turns his head slightly to peek for cues if Kyrie wants to go down. His ear lands on Kyrie's lips, surprising Kyrie in the middle of his act. 

"Ian…" Kyrie whispers. His heart jolts when his lips meet with Ian's ear.

Ian shudders at the whisper and whips his head to the other side. His blush travels to his neck. Looking at Ian's shy reaction, Kyrie's eyes glisten. He purses his lips together, trying to hold his overexcitement that could ruin the moment. 

Feeling playful, Kyrie hopes to have his mischief wanted by Ian, so he silently waits for Ian to feel the missing subsequent tease that Kyrie would always follow. And indeed, Ian slowly turns his head back towards Kyrie in confusion, already exposing himself unknowingly to Kyrie of his secret wish to be teased. 

[So… he d-does like it…]