Sil's regrets


Sil stares at the palm-sized crystal ball ever since Kyrie has returned to the present. When Kyrie leans over to return Ian's kiss, bloodlust evaporates out of Sil's body, causing his men to tremble from Sil's worsening mood.

Sil's hand tightens on the crystal ball. His hands shake from the force of his grasp, and cracks start to form below his fingers. The increasing cracks turn the transparent crystal to white until the crystal ball explodes under pressure, sending many sharp glass pieces flying away.

Sil does not loosen his grip on the shattered glass, and the sharp glass penetrates the palm of his hand. Blood oozes out from his wounds. He frowns at the sight of his bleeding hand, but not from the pain that he should have felt from his cuts; rather, the spasming feeling within him.

He turns his gaze away from his untreated hand, and his pupils rise to glare forward. The footsteps from far away become more apparent to his sensitive ears.