

A shadow looms over Laurel, and a demon puppet swings his sword towards her after jumping from his hideout. With her years of sharpened senses as a merchant, Laurel quickly blocks the sword and pushes the man away that planned the sneak attack. 

A sword with a light aura penetrates the chest of the demon puppet. The man lights up on fire, and blue flames consume his body rapidly until only ashes remain. 

A short but sinister giggle rings in the air, and Imogen faces towards the direction she was heading with Laurel. In front of them stands no one, but on the ground, a shadow of a woman. It lifts from the tunnel floors, forming its shapeless body into a human figure. Then, as if the shadow itself turns into a liquid, it melts down from the woman's body. 

Cynthia appears from the dark matter with a smile spread widely on her face. Imogen looks at her and frowns. She immediately starts searching for her surroundings.

'Where is her real body?'