Is he doing the right thing?

Kyrie's mana vibrates in the air, and he points his sword at Sil. He glances at Ian again.

"Sil Riverty… It does not matter what happened in the past anymore... I don't need your protection or saving!"

Kyrie's eyes blaze as he stares into Sil, indicating that his initial reluctance to fight him is wiped away. 

Kyrie slams his sword on Sil's blade, cracking his blade in half. Sil barely manages to avoid the sword that came at him without hesitation to slice him. The side of his arm that got into contact with Kyrie's mana sizzled, burning his skin off.

The blade hits the floor, creating a dent. Kyrie pulls his sword off the ground without a pause and rushes towards Ian. Withholding pain from his arm, Sil blocks him again.

"Why? We have been together for all those years…"